"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Friday, July 15, 2011

Bible Study Snacks, Romans 8:1-11

Hi, everyone!

Thank you for joining me again as we continue our journey through the Book of Romans. I hope that all has been going well! This week, we will be studying Chapter 8 verses 1-11. As always, it's my most sincere hope that you find these Bible Study Snacks helpful and spiritually enlightening in your walk with God.

Each week, before moving on with our study, we briefly review the scripture that was discussed during our last meeting together. I really feel that doing this helps prepare us for our current study. I hope you agree!

In review, we last learned that...

In chapter seven, Paul described the dilemma of a man who becomes a prisoner of the law of sin which is in the members of his body. In the last few verses, Paul made reference to the hope of liberation made possible by God through Jesus Christ. In this chapter, Paul amplifies on the freedom from sin found in Christ.

This week in summary...

For those in Christ who are walking according to the Spirit, there is no condemnation for sin, for the death of Christ for sin has set us free from the law of sin and death by fulfilling the requirement of the law. By setting our minds on the things of the Spirit and not the flesh, we are able to enjoy life and peace, pleasing God.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly father, please guide us as we study your Word today; I pray that our hearts and our minds will be open so that we will not only receive your Gospel, but learn from it as well; you are the Light of the world, Lord, and your Spirit will illuminate our path as we journey through your teachings. In the name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior. Amen.

Carefully read through Romans 8:1-11. Here again, I must stress the word “carefully” because if you aren’t “careful” you will miss Paul’s point. Let Paul speak to you through his writings as if he were right there with you, sharing his story in person.

This week’s study questions:

1. What does Paul say regarding those who are in Christ Jesus (i.e., Christians) (Romans 8:1)?
2. Define “condemnation” (Romans 8:1). Use a dictionary if necessary.
3. Some translations use “you” in 8:2; others use “me.” This does not matter since he is referring to Christians. What has set you free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2)?
4. What things could the Law not do (Romans 8:3; see 7:7-12)?
5. Who does the “His own Son’” refer to (Romans 8:3)?
6. What did “His own Son’” do (Romans 8:3)?
7. For what reason did the ‘Son’ accomplish these things (Romans 8:4)?
8. For whom does the “Son” accomplish these things (Romans 8:4)?
9. What two kinds of people are referred to in (Romans 8:5)?
10. What is the difference between the minds of these two kinds of people (Romans 8:6)?
11. List the four statements that are made regarding the ‘mind set on the flesh’ in (Romans 8:7 & 8)?
12. What is the overriding characteristic of those who are controlled by the Spirit (Romans 8:9)?
13. Can anyone be a genuine Christian and not have the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9)?
14. When he refers to the Christian’s body as being “dead” (Romans 8:10), do you think he is talking about Christians who are physically dead or Christians who are living but as far as they are concerned, they are no longer living under the control of their bodies (i.e., flesh)? Explain.
15. From Romans 8:9 we learned the Spirit of God dwells in every single Christian. How will that Spirit affect our present lives and bodies (Romans 8:11)?
16. List at least three changes you desire to take place in your life because of these verses.

Lastly, after answering the study questions, re-read Romans 8:1-11. Take your time and read each question and verse as many times as you feel necessary. Keep in mind that by doing this, you might see something new that you overlooked the first time around.

As we journey through our studies together, I will continue to pray that God’s message will come through to you loud and crystal clear. Until next time, I wish everyone a blessed week!

God bless you!


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