"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Our Struggle With Sin

There is something terribly right about...realizing that our struggle with sin is in many ways similar to an alcoholic's struggle with drinking. It's never over. How often I find myself talking about sin in the past tense as if being a sinner is something I'm beyond--a page turned in the book of my life. But sin is like alcoholism. Sinners are never cured; they simply decide to stop sinning...and it's a daily decision.   -John Fischer, Contemporary Christian Music, September, 1987. 

What is "sin?" Here are a couple of good definitions of it. Sin is: "Actions by which people rebel against God, miss His purpose for their life, and surrender to the power of evil rather than to God" (Billy E. Simmons, The Incomparable Christ). Augustine said: “Sin is believing the lie that you are self-created, self-dependent, and self-sustained.”

The Old Testament describes sin is as:

1. Transgression of God’s Law (Deuteronomy 6:24-25)
2. Breaking of a Covenant with God  - God made a covenant with Israel. Every year on the Day of Atonement they renewed that covenant with God. Any breach of that covenant was a sin.

In the New Testament there are similar concepts, but in addition Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is introduced. His perfection is the standard against which we judge and measure sin! We see that:

1. Sin has its roots in the inner man (Matthew 15:18-20);
2. Sin is "unbelief." Unbelief rejects, denies, substitutes for God’s Truth! (John 3:18)

Here are a few more interesting facts about sin: Sinful nature is inherited (Ephesians 2:3); and Sin is the result of a human choice.

Up to this point, we have talked a little bit about what sin is, but do we know what sin does? It is important to note that God doesn't turn His back on sin! And just like anything we do against God, there are consequences to our choices. Some consequences of our sinning are:

1. A barrier is created between God and man (Isaiah 59:2)
2. Man becomes a slave to sin (Romans 6:16)
3. It ruins relationships (James 4:1-2)
4. It creates guilt (Romans 3:19)
5. It can result in death (Romans 6:23; (Ezekiel 18:20)
6. And results in eternal Separation from God/loved ones in Hell (Revelation 20:15)

We should be aware that our whole duty is to fear God and keep His commandments. Yet, there are so many who claim that this is an impossible duty to fulfill. "Sure," they say, "we can obey God sometimes, but of course we will still sin." They say this despite the fact that they have no Scripture to back up what they claim.

So, many professing believers expect to continue to sin and therefore they do because without faith in God to keep them from sin, they will surely fall--guaranteed. "They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him" (Titus 1:16). They have a form of godliness; going to church every week and being "spiritual" most of the time. But when it comes down to it, they have not accepted God's provision to overcome sin and thus they deny the power to be godly.

What is this provision that God has made for Christians to overcome sin? It is the grace given us by God sending His Son. Through the blood of Jesus, we can overcome, "for everyone born of God overcomes the world" (I John 5:4). Many professing believers have read passages like Romans 6 and I John 3 that state very clearly that we are no longer slaves to sin; and that those who are in Christ do not continue to sin (see Romans 6:2; Romans 6:18; I John 3:6.)

Yet, despite these and many other clear passages throughout the Bible, many do not have the faith to fully believe, so they may turn to a commentary or ask a friend or a "pastor" and it gets explained away for them. Then they feel much better thinking that they can continue in sin. These people are like seed sown along a path: they "hear, and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts" (Luke 8:12).

In closing I ask, do you have faith to believe the Bible? Have you accepted God's provision to overcome sin in your life? Do you really know what it means to be a slave of righteousness? I pray that you will consider these things. I long to see more people living a victorious life in Christ overcoming sin.

Scripture: Romans 6:23; 1 John 1:9; 2 Peter 3:9; Ephesians 2:8-9;  Revelation 21:8; Mark 2:17;  2 Peter 2:4; James 2:10; Romans 5:8; John 1:1

Prayer: Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless.

I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please Jesus forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart, please Lord Jesus forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend.

I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Have a blessed day!


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