"The life of Christianity consists of possessive pronouns" says Martin Luther. It is one thing to say, "Christ is a Savior"; it is quite another thing to say, "He is my Savior and my Lord." The devil can say the first; the true Christian alone can say the second. -Resource, July/August, 1990.
There is a tendency to on the part of pastors, and other Christians, to make salvation more difficult to understand than it really is. In fact, the doctrine of salvation itself is remarkably simple! Yet, we use words to speak about it that people are totally unfamiliar with; especially to those outside the church. It's like we have our own special "coded" language.
We use words and phrases like, "saved", "blood bought"; "blood washed"; "born again"; "redeemed"; and so on. Certainly, these are all good words and phrases, but they can be overwhelming and confusing to those who don't know what they mean! Yet, there is nothing confusing, mysterious or hard to understand about salvation.
God has fixed it so that anyone can understand it. And, that's what I'd like to talk about today! I want you to be able to say that, at least once in your life, you heard a clear presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that was in a language anyone could understand.
To start with, the word "salvation" means "The act of saving from harm." Of course, this could apply to being saved from harm in any arena of the human experience. It's possible to be saved physically, financially, emotionally, mentally, etc. However, I want to use the word as it relates to your spiritual need. Any other type of salvation is only temporary in nature. Yet, when a person experiences the salvation of his or her soul, they have experienced something eternal that can never fade or be taken away.
Okay, now that we have defined "salvation," I'd like share a few features of God's salvation with you. These few, simple features are all you need to know to be saved. And, they are what make salvation so plain and simple. All I ask is that you give your attention to the Word of God, and that you allow God to speak to your heart. Sounds good? Great! I think we're ready...
First, let's talk about the source of salvation. Salvation does not come through the church, the baptistry, the denomination, or through family associations. It comes only through God's plan of salvation. Salvation can not be obtained through good deeds and clean living. It comes only through God's plan of salvation. What is that plan? I sure am glad you asked, because God's plan is an exclusive plan, John 14:6. This verse makes it clear that Jesus Christ is the only avenue that man can take that will bring him to God. If a man must have a million dollars to be called a millionaire, then he must have Christ to be called a Christian, 1 John 5:12. Make no mistake, salvation comes through Jesus Christ and Jesus alone, Acts 4:12.
Second, let's talk about the scope of salvation. One of the truths about God's plan of salvation, that makes it so great, is the fact that it's for every individual in the whole world! It is not just offered to a select few, but to "whosoever will". This truth is made clear by a couple of special verses of Scripture, John 3:16; Revelation 22:17; John 10:9.
When Jesus Christ went to the cross and died for sin, He was dying for you too, Hebrews 2:9. The cross is proof that God loves you, Romans 5:8. Dear friends, regardless of where your path may have taken you in life, or regardless of what you may have done in your past, God's plan of salvation is open to you if you will come to Him. He will not turn you away, John 6:37! Not a single person in eternity will say, "I tried to come to God, I tried to believe in Jesus, but He would not save my soul." No! If you want to be saved, you can be saved! He made a way for you. That's why Romans 10:13 says, "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
Third, now let's discuss the simplicity of salvation. Sometimes, salvation is so simple that people stumble all over it. They have a hard time believing that it can be so simple. But, the Gospel can be related by reading two verses, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4. The way this translates into salvation is found in another verse, Romans 10:9. You see, salvation isn't a matter of holding on, of your ability to change, or of you having big faith; it's simply a matter of looking to Jesus by faith.
Let's see if I can simplify this a little more. A businessman brought a thirty-year-old man to a summer Bible conference who was paralyzed from his hips down. As he sat beside the soul-winner on a bench under the trees, he expressed his desire to be saved. He said, "I believe everything in the Bible," but it gave him no peace. The Christian then inquired of him whether he knew he was lost, to which he replied he did. The inquiry was then made as to whether he knew that Christ is the One who saves; and the only One who can save. He replied also to this that he believed it.
Just at this point a public bus drew up in front of the conference grounds and the Christian said to his lame friend, "that bus is intended to carry everybody into the city, is it not?" "Yes," he replied. "Does it carry everyone?" he asked. "No," he said, "only those who get into the bus." He had hardly made this statement when the light of God broke into his soul. "I see!" he said. "Christ came to save everybody, but He saves only those who take Him: The light of heaven flooded his soul. The peace of God filled his heart. His face became radiant with joy. He had entered into the Lord Jesus by faith.
The fact of the matter is this: anyone can look to Jesus by faith! If you are young, old, or middle aged you can look. If you are rich or poor, you can look. If you are smart, or not so smart, you can look. If you are a good person, or if you are a bad person, you can look. Anyone can look! The question is have you? And, if not, will you?
Furthermore, while anyone can look, no one else can look for you! You must look to Jesus for yourself. People can pray for you and plead with you, but only you can look to Jesus for salvation. You have to do it for your self. The question is, have you? And, if not, will you?
Finally, here is the last feature of salvation that I'd like to talk about today; the security of salvation. The Bible says many times that those who look to the Lord will be "saved." This is a word that means, "to rescue from all harm and danger." An "unsaved" person who hears that word tends to think of someone pulled from a burning building, or from a wrecked car. Or, maybe someone who is rescued from drowning. These are all valid uses of the word "saved" in the physical realm.
However, the spiritual realm is no different! When a person looks to Jesus Christ for salvation, that person is saved from the penalty of sin, Romans 6:23. This means that every person who is listed without God is under a penalty. And, what is that penalty? It is the penalty of death, leading to an eternity in Hell, Psalm 9:17; 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9; Revelation 20:11-15. This is bad news!
The good news is that when you trust Jesus, He saves you from that penalty. It's like this. Because I am saved, I am saved from the penalty of sin. As I live and grow in the Lord, I am being saved from the power of sin. Then, when I go to Heaven, I will be forever saved from the very presence of sin.
Many religions and denominations tell us that looking to Jesus only puts a person in a position to be saved. For them to be saved they have to live right, never mess up; and walk a straight line. They tell us that any slip ups will cost you your salvation and that you will be back on the road to Hell!
We are not saved by not messing up! We are not saved by being good people. We are saved by looking to Christ! We have already discovered that. Consider this: if you are still in danger of being lost, then you are not saved! If Jesus says, "Look unto me, then do this and don't do the other and you will be saved." He has not saved you, He has merely put you in a position where you might be saved. Real salvation is absolute and eternal deliverance from the dangers and the penalties of sin.
When Jesus saves a lost soul, He does it eternally! He does it permanently. There is no way that you can mess up salvation! You say, "I wish I could believe that!" My dear reader, I'm so glad that you don't have to take my word for it! Listen to what the Bible says, John 6:37-40; 1 Peter 1:5; John 10:28. There are many more such promises, but these are sufficient to prove beyond all doubt that when Jesus Christ saves a soul, that soul stays saved!
In conclusion, don't you want that kind of salvation? Don't you want to know for sure that you are saved and that all is well between you and the Lord God? Don't you want to know for sure that every sin has been forgiven and that you have a home in Heaven when you leave this world? Well, you can have all that and much more, if you will only look to Jesus by faith. Hey, you've looked at everything else in life, why not look to Jesus? And, if you will look to Jesus, you will live. That, my friends, is salvation made plain and simple!
Prayer: Dear Father, I love you and thank you for everything you have done. Because of your grace my heart can now see what my eyes cannot. Thank you for this blessing. Amen
Have a blessed day!
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