"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Monday, April 14, 2014

Jesus Is Back In Town!

"All heaven is interested in the cross of Christ, all hell is terribly afraid of it, while men are the only beings who more or less ignore its meaning."  -Oswald Chambers

Yesterday, on Sunday, Jesus had presented Himself to the people in Jerusalem, as their King and as their Messiah, in fulfillment of Zechariah 9:9. The people praised Jesus on Sunday, but the religious leaders refused to honor Him as King (Luke 19:39). When Jesus arrived in town on Sunday, He went to the Temple and looked around (Mark 11:11). Note: This visit to the temple isn't mentioned in Matthew; although, it is an important addition to his narrative.

Apparently, during His visit on Sunday, Jesus saw some things that He didn't like. We are told that Jesus found people selling and buying goods in the Temple. He found others exchanging currency. And still others were walking through the Temple grounds on their way to other parts of the city. During His visit on Monday, He will address some of those issues.

The events that occurred during our Lord’s visit to the Temple on that Monday morning is the focal point of today's message. Since the Temple plays such and important part of this message, I think it might help if we have a better understanding of how the Temple and its grounds were arranged.

The Temple complex sat on top of Mt. Zion. It covered an area of some 35 acres. The outer walls of the Temple grounds were between 1,000 and 1,300 feet in length. When a person entered the Temple grounds, they came first into the Court of the Gentiles. This area was open to all people who wanted to worship God. Jews and Gentiles alike were allowed to enter this area to pray and meditate (Luke 18:9-14).

If you'd moved farther into the Temple grounds you would have seen a low wall. Beyond this wall was the Court of Women. On this wall were signs that warned Gentiles to stay out of this courtyard. Only Jewish men and women could enter here. Beyond that was the Court of the Israelites. Jewish women could enter this court only if they were bringing a sacrifice to give to the priests. Jewish men were allowed here at any time.

Then, beyond that was the Court of the Priests. This was where the priests worked and ministered. And, beyond the Court of the Priests was the Temple itself with the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. All of the events in today's message occurred in the Court of the Gentiles.

The population of Jerusalem was usually around 80,000 people. During this time of the year, at Passover, the population swelled to over 2 million. These people came to Jerusalem from all over the world. They came to the Temple, and they came there to worship God.

In those days, part of the Jewish worship involved the sacrifice of animals. These animals had to meet certain standards. Before they could be used for sacrifice, they had to be approved by the priest. Apparently, the High Priest, Caiaphas allowed vendors to sell approved, clean animals in the outer court of the Temple grounds. And, because there were animals being sold in the Temple, the pilgrims who came to town wouldn't have to bring their own animals, nor would they take a chance that the animals they brought would be judged unclean by the priests.

Mark mentioned those “who sold doves” (Mark 11:15). Doves were the sacrifice of the poor. Those who could not afford sheep, goats or bulls could offer these inexpensive birds (Leviticus 5:6-7; 14:22). Doves were what Mary, the mother of Jesus, brought as her sacrifice (Luke 2:24). Other items used in Temple worship were also sold here. Items like wine, oil, flour, and salt, that had been pronounced clean, were also sold in the Temple.

Money changers also provided a valuable service to Temple worshipers. Every Jewish male was required to pay a one-half shekel ransom at each census of Israel. When the Jews returned from captivity under Nehemiah, the fee became yearly and was fixed at one-third of a shekel. A shekel is about one-half an ounce of silver. So, the yearly tax was about $3.50 in today’s money.

This tax was called “the shekel of the sanctuary”. This tax had to be paid in Jewish money. Other currencies were not accepted. The money changers seemed necessary because the pilgrims from around the world would be in possession of various currencies that would not be accepted in the Temple.

Mark 11:16 talks about those who were carrying “merchandise through the Temple.” You see, the Temple courtyard provided a quick path between the eastern part of the city of Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives. Many people who were on business in the city would take this shortcut through the Court of the Gentiles.

To most people the things that were taking place at the Temple were necessary and fine. They certainly were convenient. Most people had no problem at all with the system and the way things worked. However, we are about to see that Jesus had a real problem with what was going on at the Temple. Now, let's pick up the story from here.

Jesus came to the Temple that Monday morning knowing exactly what He would find. He had been there the day before and had seen what was happening. He returns this morning to do something about the situation. When Jesus came to church that day, He didn't come in as the “meek and lowly Nazarene”. He came as “the Lion of the Tribe of Judah”. The Lord came to His Own house; and found it in total disarray. He took all the necessary steps to set things right.

Jesus entered the Temple and began to turn over tables, drive people away and refuse to allow some to pass through the Temple. Try to imagine the scene if you will. People and animals are running around trying to get away from Jesus. Money is flying through the air. He is ordering people around and trying to get rid of the offenders. I think: total chaos!

Remember now, this isn't the first time Jesus had done this at the Temple. The first happened the previous Passover (John 2:19). It seems, however, that His efforts to reform the Temple had not lasted. The same things are still happening! And, Jesus once again comes to the Father’s House, seeking to restore it to a place of worship, holiness and spirituality.

Thinking back at what they were doing in the Temple a few minutes ago, it doesn't really seem all that bad. Does it? After all, the sellers and the money changers are providing what some might call a necessary service for the worshippers. What could possibly be so wrong here that would drive Jesus to such drastic and violent actions? After all, it was very convenient!

I think the answer lies in what Jesus says in Mark 11:17. In that verse Jesus quotes two Old Testament passages (Isaiah 56:7, Jeremiah 7:11). Let me point out a couple of important things here. First and foremost, the house of God (the temple) was not designed to be a place of commerce, but it was to be a place devoted to the worship of Almighty God. God promised His people that He would meet with them in the Temple. He promised to hear the prayers that were prayed in that place (2 Chronicles 7:15-16).

It was to be His house where He alone was to be worshipped. The Temple had ceased to be about the Lord. It had become a house that was man-centered and not God-centered. The Temple was no longer God’s house; it had become a house devoted to the needs of men. This angered Jesus!

Next, The Temple was designed as a house of prayer. The needy could approach God in that place. The true believer, whether he was a Jew or a Gentile, could come to the Temple and pray to the Lord, and God promised to hear those prayers (2 Chronicles 7:15). Now, the only place a Gentile could approach God had become a marketplace.

Can you imagine the noise that must have filled the Court of the Gentiles with all the animals, the sellers yelling at the buyers, and the buyers haggling with the sellers? There's no way a person could pray, much less meditate, on the things of God. The Jews had effectively closed the doors of the Temple to the Gentiles. This angered Jesus!

Last, the phrase “den of thieves” (Mark 11:17) can be interpreted two ways. Both meanings are in view here. First, a den of thieves could refer to a cave where robbers hid themselves away from those who were searching for them. Second, a den of thieves could refer to a place where robbers hid waiting for their unsuspecting victims to pass by.

Like robbers, the High Priest and his followers had hidden themselves away in the Temple, seeking to hide their wickedness under a cloak of holiness. Like thieves, these men were waiting for the foolish to enter the Temple so they could take their money.

Now, while the sale of the animals and other items used for worship seems harmless and even helpful, we need to understand that it was anything but innocent. The people who came to worship were being charged grossly inflated prices. In addition, The money changers were just as guilty. They were also guilty of extortion.

On top of this, the High Priest and his family were paid a percentage of the profits, and furthermore, on top of the fee, the sellers had to pay to gain permission to sell in the Temple. It was a big money racket that preyed on poor. The Temple was nothing but a “den of robbers.”

If you recall, Jesus wouldn't allow people to use the Temple grounds as a shortcut. The Jewish oral law, or the Mishnah, actually forbade the Jews from using the Temple in this way. The Mishnah says, “A man may not enter the Temple Mount with his staff or his sandal or his wallet, or with the dust upon his feet, nor may he make of it a short by-path.”

It seems that the Jews had lost all respect for the holiness and sanctity of the Temple and treated its grounds like it was any other place. The house of God was looked upon as a convenience to be used as a person saw fit. Of course, when Jesus saw the Father’s house being treated this way, He took measures to make this right.

One can look at it this way, The reason the Jews were defiling their Temple was due to the fact that they had ceased to reverence God in their hearts. They simply did not love Him, adore Him, respect Him, nor did they carry His Word in their hearts. As a result, they traveled down a path that led them away from God and into self-indulgence. Hmmmm...I think there might be a lesson there somewhere. What do you think?

The Jews treated the things of God like they did because they held a small view of God; as a result, He occupied a small place in their lives. Sadly, I'm afraid that many people in our day also have a small view of God. That's why He comes in second, third, fourth, even if He comes in at all!

When the Jewish leaders heard about what Jesus did, they are resolved to put Him to death. They would succeed, because before the sun sat that Friday, Jesus would be dead and buried in a borrowed tomb.

It's interesting to note that the people were amazed by what they saw Jesus do and by what they heard Him say. No doubt, many of the people there that day were sincerely trying to worship God and they were being taken advantage of by the very people who should have been there to lead them to the Lord. They were interested in the changes Jesus was trying to make in the Temple. And, they were tired of being taken advantage of by the High Priest and his followers.

In the end, however, it didn't matter. The Temple had been defiled, God was offended and judgment was coming. And, in less that forty years judgment did come. It came in the form of a Roman general named Titus and his Roman Legions. Judgment came to the Temple and those who perverted the things of God. Judgment came and it couldn't be stopped.

The lesson for us is very clear. We can be a people God will bless, or we can be a people God will judge. Which you and I are, will be determined by how much we love Him. Because, how much we love Him will dictate how faithfully, fully, and fruitfully we will serve Him.

Prayer: Dear Lord, in my darkest moment, please help me see your light and find my way. Amen

May God always bless you!


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