"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Living Everyday By Faith

"God does not expect us to submit our faith to him without reason, but the very limits of our reason make faith a necessity."  -Augustine.

The Bible tells us that we are to "live by faith." In verses like Mark 11:22 and Habakkuk 2:4, we are reminded that faith is to be the daily lifestyle of the believer. When we read Romans 14:23, we learn that anything that isn't a product of this faith life is a sin. In Hebrews 11:6, we see that without this quality called faith, we will never be able to please the Lord. We know that we are saved by faith, Ephesians 2:8-9, but just how do we go about living everyday of our lives by faith?

Thankfully, the Bible doesn't leave us in the dark concerning the walk of faith. It sheds much light on this vastly important topic. In my message today, I would like to tell you what faith is not; as well as what it is. Then, I want to show you what it does in our daily lives.

I'd like to begin with some of the fallacies surrounding faith. First, faith is not a blind leap! There are those who feel that a life lived by faith is the life of a fool. They speculate that faith is nothing more than a leap into the dark. However, faith is much more than just walking around blind waiting for providence to bump into you.

Faith is your response to the promises of God for your life. (God says, "I will lead you." Faith responds, "I will follow." God says, "I will feed you." Faith says, "I will eat." God says, "I will meet your need." Faith says. "It is done.") Faith is never a leap into the dark, it is always a based upon the firmest of foundations, The Word Of God. The person who really walks in faith never walks through life blind. He always knows what is ahead

Additionally, faith is not a blank check! This is commonly known as the "Name It and Claim It" philosophy that permeates much of the church today. People have been taught that if they want something from God, then they are to pray about it, and believe it, than look for it to happen.

Honestly, there are many who have become discouraged in their faith and disappointed with God because He didn't do it like they were told He would. Listen, "Faith is not a blank check!" God is not our little cosmic Santa Claus just waiting for us to place our orders, and then drive away with anything and everything we desire.

I shudder when I think about the implications of this way of thinking! If this is true then God is not more than a genie who has no other purpose than to grant our wishes by the thousands. May I remind you that this charismatic, "Name and Claim It" crowd have missed the mark! God is about far larger and greater things than just waiting for me to come up with a new want for my wish list!

Don't misunderstand me. Faith is not a bad choice. There are those who would say that it's foolish to walk in total and utter dependence upon the Lord. These people argue that God is an unknown. That He is an unseen force with which man cannot interact and have fellowship. They call the Christian who lives by faith a fool!

However, the Christian who determines to truly live his life by total faith in his Heavenly Father will never be disappointed with God, nor will he struggle through life blindly. There will be a deep settled assurance that God is in absolute control of all situations, and that His will shall always be accomplished in the life of the believer.

As believers, we can either choose to please the Lord, or we can choose to please ourselves. If we are determined that we are going to please the Lord, then we are going to have to walk by faith in Him and in His Word and will. It won't work any other way.

So, we've just discussed a few of the things that faith "is not." Now, let's take just a few minutes to look at what faith "is." We've seen the fallacies surrounding faith, now let’s examine the facts surrounding faith. If faith is none of these things, then exactly what is it?

Faith is defined and described in Hebrews 11:1. Notice that faith makes "things that are hoped for" as real as the things that are. And, it provides the unshakable "evidence" of those things that are ours as  a result of our relationship to Jesus Christ. In other words, it brings the future within the present, and makes the invisible seen.

Thankfully, the author of Hebrews didn't leave us in the dark concerning what all this "sureness and certainty" were to be based upon. In Hebrews 11:2, the writer speaks of the elders and says that by their faith, they earned a good report from God. Then, he goes on the speak of their faith and in every instance, either stated, or implied is the promise of God. Follow me here: Hebrews 11:3; Hebrews 11:4; Hebrews 11:5-6; Hebrews 11:7; Hebrews 11: 8-19; Hebrews 20-22; Hebrews 11: 23-29; Hebrews 11:30; Hebrews 11:31; Hebrews 11:32-40.

With these facts in mind, what is faith? Faith is the assurance that God will do exactly what He has promised to do! Anything based on guesswork, peace of heart, wishful thinking, etc., will end in failure. God is a God who responds to a people’s faith in Himself and His promises!

Allow me to reiterate, many people have become disappointed with God because He didn't do something they told Him to do. We must remember that faith is not some button we push to force God into doing what we want. Many have prayed for things they wanted or thought they needed and their requests were denied. Many of these people become bitter against God and cease to follow Him. Sometimes, the things they prayed for were legitimate, like the healing of a relative, a new job, some problem, etc.

However, when they forget that they haven’t been given a clear promise from God concerning that situation, they are in for disappointment. We can pray about anything we want to, then we can hope that it will come to pass, but we can only have faith in those things which God has already promised to bring to pass. Simply put, when I expect God to do as He has promised, that's faith. When I expect Him to do as I wish, then that's presumption! God will honor the first and ignore the second!

Our prayers of hope versus the prayer of faith! When I pray that my neighbor will be saved, I can have faith that God will save him, if he will turn to Jesus. However, I can only hope that he will be saved, because he may decide not to receive Christ.

When I pray that my need might be met, I can believe that it will be met because God has promised to meet it (Philippians 4:19). When I pray that a person will be healed, I can hope that it will happen. I know God has the power to heal, but I do not know that it is His will. I do not have His promise in the matter.

When I pray for the safety of my children, I can hope they will be safe, but I cannot have the absolute assurance that they will be safe, because I do not have the Lord’s Word on it! However, when God says it will be a certain way in His Word, then you can count on it being just as He has said. Therefore, anything that is promised in the Book can serve as the basis for genuine faith.

I know we just covered a lot of information. By now you have to be wondering, "So, what is faith?" Faith is simply the deep settled assurance that God will do exactly what He has promised to do. What exactly will faith do for you? After we're saved, there are certain functions which faith performs in our lives. As I look at these things, I cannot help but be encouraged. I'd like to share them with you, as follows:

1. Faith calms our fears. I'm not sheltered from bad things, but in the midst of them I have His promise (Romans 8:28; 1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 4:17).

2. Faith cushions our falls. I'm not immune from sin and temptations, but when, and if, I fall, I have His promise! It's possible for the Child of God to fall down, but we can never fall out (John 10:28). If we do fall, we have His Word that we will be forgiven when we turn to Him in repentance (1 John 1:9). This isn't an excuse to fall, but it is an encouragement to those who have and those who will!

3. Faith confirms our future. I don't know what I'll face tomorrow, but I know that when all my tomorrow’s are finished, I have a future secured in the Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:1-3).

4. Faith claims God’s finest. Faith doesn't gorge itself on the pig slop of the world. It sets it’s sights higher. Faith believes that God will be true to His Word. And once there, faith responds to that Word, acts upon that Word, and receives the fulfillment of that Word (Romans 4:21; Hebrews 6:18).

5. Faith challenges our failures. What I mean by that, is that faith believes (Philippians 4:13). Faith says that we can be all that God wants us to be. Faith accepts the notion that we do not have to settle for second best. Faith says that we can have everything that God has for us, and that we can have it right now. Faith says that we do not have to live to the lower standard of the world. Faith just takes God at His Word and serves Him.

6. Faith calls our friends. Faith says, to those around us, that what god has done here, He can do in your life too. Faith reaches out to those in sin, because it knows that everyone who turns to Jesus for salvation will be saved. Faith believes God’s promises concerning salvation by faith.

In closing,  God’s will is that we live by faith! Not the blind leap of the foolish, not the blank check of the misinformed, but the deep settled assurance that what God has said He would do, He is more than able and willing to do. Does that describe your life?

Scripture: Mark 11:22; Romans 4:20; James 1:25; Matthew 13:32; Galatians 3:21; Acts 14:22; John 5:25 

Prayer: Dear Lord, I ask that you please help me remember forgiveness begins in the heart, and is shown in how I treat others. Amen

God bless you!


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