"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

We Need God and His Power In Our Lives!

"Without the Way there is no going; without the Truth there is no knowing; without the Life there is no living."   -Thomas A Kempis

You might recall, in 2 Kings 6:1-7, the school of the prophets had grown to the point that they needed to provide new facilities. As they are in the process of cutting down trees to build their new home, one of the prophets loses his axe head in the Jordan River.

He becomes distraught because the axe head was borrowed. He cries out to Elisha and the great prophet performs a miracle. The axe head floats to the surface and the man puts out his hand and picks it up.

Now, before we come down too hard on this poor man who lost the axe head, let's remember that he's engaged in a great work. He is busy!

Yet, if there's a flaw in his activity, it's found in this: he was working, but he was not watching! As a consequence, he lost the axe head and was unable to continue his work. He had lost the cutting edge, if you will.

When you read through this passage, it appears that there isn't really anything to take away, or learn from this it. It was just a simple workplace accident. Or was it? Go back and read through it again, but slowly. I believe there's plenty there for us to learn!

You see, the axe head represents the power to get the job done! No man can chop down trees by flailing at them with an axe handle! It takes the sharp, biting power of the axe head to eat through the wood and cause the tree to fall.

If you apply this to our lives, you realize that without our cutting edge, that is the power of the Holy Spirit, we will never be able to serve the Lord properly, nor will we be able to make a dent in this world. We need God and His power to get the job done for His glory!

Sadly, we as Christians can become so tied to traditions and programs that, for the most part, the cutting edge has been lost. As a result, there's no power in our lives, or in anything we do.

Most of what we do as Christians can be done without the agency, or the power of the Holy Spirit! We are so good at what we do that we can operate in the power of he flesh and no one notices the absence of God!

However, while we may be able to operate our churches, our programs and even our lives apart from the power of God; we will never make inroads into the world apart from the power of God. We will never be able to serve the Lord in an effective way until we perform that service in His power alone!

Look, if we're going to serve the Lord and see eternal results from our service, we must accept the fact that we are unable to do the work within ourselves. We need power from above. We need borrowed power!

How committed are you to the idea of experiencing God’s manifest presence and power? Your level of commitment will be revealed by what you are willing to do to see it become a reality!

Scripture: Colossians 1:16; 1 Chronicles 29:11; Exodus 14:14; Proverbs 3:5-6;  Psalm 28:7; John 14:26; John 3:18

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you. I know you are here with me. Please help me through this day, and give me the wisdom to do the right thing. Amen

May God bless you!


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