"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Choose With God in Mind

It may be true that there are two sides to every question, but it is also true that there are two sides to a sheet of flypaper, and it makes a big difference to the fly which side he chooses.   - Traditional.

Ah, yes. Decisions. The time eventually comes when we all have to make a decision about this, or that. Decision-making is one of the most challenging things we do in life. More often than not, it involves something that will be life-changing.

Certainly there are decisions that are more pleasant to make than others, such as: What dessert should I choose? What shoes should I buy? Which vacation package should we get? Whom should I go to prom with? (Unfortunately for me, in the case of the last one, I didn't have that many options. Sigh...)

But, that's the way it goes with making decisions in life. Some are definitely easier to make than others. And all have consequences, good or bad. Mary Kay Ash (founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, Inc.) said, "Be careful of the choices you make today. They will become your lifestyle tomorrow."

When it comes to our walk with God, we face choices every day. Were you aware that  we are the sum total of our decisions? We make our decisions, and our decisions make us. Isn't that the truth? Every single day of our lives, we are in "decison-making mode," especially when it comes to living a Spirit-filled life, or not.

Why don't we examine just a few choices that may present themselves to us on any given day. Let's begin with serving, or servitude. Either way, it involves serving others. In our case, we are talking about serving God. Surprisingly, some feel that serving God is drudgery. It's useless, empty, vain, and futile.

Serving God is anything but drudgery. In fact, it's pretty serious business. He commands us to serve (Mark 10:44-45; Acts 20:35; Proverbs 11:25)! And, as servants for God, we shouldn't complain and whine. We should simply do! After all, God referred to Moses as His servant (Malchi 4:4), and Jesus is the ultimate servant, When it comes down to serving, or not, what's your decision?

Next, how is your reverence towards God? Do you fear him? No, I'm not talking about being afraid of God in a "scary" way. I mean worshipping Him for who and what He is. When you and I fear God, his fatherly advice means everything. And, the loss of it is the biggest grief of all.

God deserves our total reverence and respect. When it comes to fearing God, or not, what's your decision? We have time for one more decision. This one has to do with our judgment. Don't kid yourself. There will be a judgment day, we just don't know when it will occur. It might be today, tomorrow, next week or next year. But, make no mistake, it is coming.

When that day does arrive, we will be treated as either sinners or saints. Are you ready? When it comes to making a decision, this is the "big" one! Which will you be? Will you face judgement as a sinner (condemned to experience the wrath of God), or as a saint (one who has trusted in Jesus Christ as Lord)? What's your decision?

When it comes to decisions there will be repercussions of one sort or another. God gave us all free will to make the choices we do. Trust in Him to make the best decision that you can. Bernita Weston says that, "Trusting in the Lord means every decision you make is done with Him in mind." I believe in this with all of my heart.

Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6; James 1:5; Philippians 4:6-7; 1 John 5:14; Isaiah 30:21  

Prayer: Holy Father, help me make the right choices and the best decisions in my walk with You. I never worry about what may, or may not happen if I ask for Your guidance and blessing beforehand. Amen

May God bless you,


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