"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Saturday, September 26, 2015

Bible Study Snacks: Job 1:1-2:13

Hi, everyone!

Happy Friday, and welcome to Bible Study Snacks!  It's truly great to come back to The Coffeehouse Bible Ministry after taking some time off to start my family. Gosh, I can't believe how quickly time flew by! Eve and the rest of the ministry team were fantastic, as usual, during my absence. I also want to give a truly special thanks to my good friend Bibi for holding down the fort for me until my return. Bibi, I love you! 

I hope everyone had a nice week! As always, I thank you so much for joining me as we walk together through the richness of God's spoken word, and wisdom. I pray that today finds you in good health and strong in faith!

This week, we will begin a brand new study. Our focus will be on the Book of Job. Much has been discussed about this book because of it's wide appeal to almost everyone. Many times we tend to skip over the Old Testament, which is unfortunate because so much of the New Testament has very strong ties to it.

Also note that the Old Testament was written for our learning. It provides patience and comfort, and can be such a source of hope, too. This is especially true with the story of Job, which you shall soon see during our study together. Let's begin...

I've designed these studies to be brief, yet packed full of good information for everyone regardless of your level of biblical knowledge. I might add that these quick studies make perfect small group discussion starters, as well!

As always, I whole-heartedly believe in the importance that any Bible study should begin with prayer. If you have your Bible ready, let's pray together...

"Heavenly father, please guide us as we study your Word today; I pray that our hearts and our minds will be open so that we will not only receive your Gospel, but learn from it as well; you are the Light of the world, Lord, and your Spirit will illuminate our path as we journey through your teachings. In the name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior. Amen"

If you are taking notes for yourself, or using this for a bible study with others, here are the objectives for this week's lesson...

OBJECTIVES: This week, the reader will...

1) See the stage set for the "great controversy" that will occur between Job and his friends
2) Consider the challenge that Satan made concerning Job; would God have as much confidence in our faithfulness?
3) Appreciate the integrity of Job in the midst of his great suffering

For your convenience, here is a summary of Job 1:1-2:13...

The first two chapters set the stage for the great disagreement that will take place between Job and his friends, which is triggered by a controversy between God and Satan. We're first introduced to Job in the land of Uz (likely Edom, SE of the Dead Sea, cf. Jeremiah 25:20-21; Lamentations 4:21). A man of remarkable character,who was blessed with a large family and many possessions. As an example of his piety (holiness), his sacrifices in behalf of his children are disclosed (Job 1:1-5).

We then learn of the debate between God and Satan concerning Job. There is an occasion when Satan comes before the Lord and God asks him whether he has considered His faithful servant, Job. Satan responds with an attack on Job's character, that his fear of God was only because God has blessed him. Satan then says that Job would curse God if everything he had was taken away. In response, God places all that Job has in Satan's power, with the exception of Job himself (Job 1:6-12).

In one day, then, Job loses all of his material possessions through different calamities. His sons and daughters, also, are killed when a great tornado destroys the house in which they are partying. Though deeply grieved, Job worships God and does not accuse Him with doing wrong (Job 1:13-22).

When Satan appears before God again, the Lord asks whether he had considered how Job had remained faithful despite his losses. Satan then makes another challenge, saying that Job would curse God if he himself were harmed.

God then gives Satan power over Job, but only up to the point of actually taking his life. With such power, Satan strikes Job with painful boils (cf. Job 2:7-8; 7:5; 30:30) over his entire body. Job's wife loses what faith she has, and tells him to curse God and die. Job, however, refuses to sin with his mouth (Job 2:1-10).

At this point, three of Job's friends (Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar) come to mourn and try to comfort him. However, they're shocked when they see Job (whom they did not recognize because of the boils), and sit astonished for seven days and nights without a word in reaction to the immensity of his grief (Job 2:11-13).


1) Where did Job live? What country might that have been? (Job1:1)
2) How is Job described regarding his character? (Job 1:1)
3) How many children did he have? (Job 1:2)
4) What were his possessions? (Job 1:3)
5) What did Job do whenever his sons would throw a party? (Job 1:4-5)
6) What was Satan's accusation to God concerning Job? (Job 1:9)
7) What was Satan's initial challenge to God concerning Job? (Job 1:11)
8) What did God allow Satan to do? (Job 1:12)
9) What did Job lose in one day? (Job 1:13-19)
10) What was Job's reaction to this great lose? (Job 1:20-21)
11) What was Satan's second challenge to God concerning Job? (Job 2:5)
12) What did God allow Satan to do? (Job 2:6)
13) With what did Satan afflict Job? (Job 2:7)
14) What did Job's wife want him to do? (Job 2:9)
15) What did Job ask his wife? (Job 2:10)
16) What three friends came to mourn with him, and to comfort him? (Job 2:11)
17) How did they react when they saw Job? (Job 2:12-13)
18) What summary statements are made of Job in response to his suffering? In other words, in spite of everything that happened to him, Job did not... (Job 1:22; 2:10)

After completing this week's study, I encourage you to go back and read through the material again. Take your time and read each topic and scripture reference as many times as you feel necessary. Keep in mind that by doing this, you just might see something new that you overlooked the first time around!

As we journey through the Bible together, I will continue to pray that God’s message will come through to you loud and crystal clear. Until next time, I wish everyone a blessed week!

God bless you!


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