"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Serve God, Keeping His Commandments Always

"Those who are faithful to God are protected and prospered. That comes as the result of serving God and keeping His commandments. But with those blessings comes the temptation to forget their source. It is easy to begin to feel the blessings were granted not by a loving God, on whom we depend, but by our own powers."   - Henry B. Eyring

What may just be the hardest thing for us to overcome is desiring things of this world. This, of course, doesn't include our basic needs for survival, such as food, water, and shelter. I'm referring to those things that are valued to the point where they become dominated by sin.

You might be wondering, "What is she talking about?" I'm talking about major areas of concern like the lust of the flesh, love of money, personal vanity, and gain at any cost. I suppose that one could easily make the case that this is impossible for us to do. At the very least, it is an on-going battle that rages on within ourselves!

We (humankind) have always wrestled with temporal things. It's certainly nothing new. Here's a good example. When the Israelites finally entered the promised land and began to establish themselves there, they tried their hardest to protect their precious, worldy possessions. Old habits die hard. Sound familiar?

But, let me back up just a bit. Before they arrived there, God had promised that he would guide and protect them along the way. As an added bonus, He even sent his own special, personal angel ahead of them as they made their way to the promised land (Exodus 23:23). In other words, they didn't make it because of their own special skills or efforts!

There was one thing, though. As a condition of His promise to them, God commanded that they would serve no other gods or idols (Deuteronomy 4:39-49). They were to serve the only true god, which was: Him! If they could manage this, God would always provide for; protect; increase wealth to; continue the good health of; and prolong their lives. Even their enemies would become "non-factors" as per God's promise (Exodus 23:27).

As I mentioned, upon their arrival in the promised land the Isrealites suffered from short-term memory disorder (Deuteronomy 31:15-18; 20-21). It was hard for them to let go of the temptations of this world. And, as we tend to do. we start believing our own success, and let God slowly fade into the background. It's a classic mistake. Instead of serving God, we serve other gods, or idols; whatever they might be.

In Exodus 23:24-25, God makes it pretty clear what he wants from us. We can't pretend that we don't know, or He didn't make himself clear. Nor should we should we ever think of ourselves as equal to, or better than God. Sorry, that just won't cut it! We are to serve Him, not the other way around.

Does this all mean that God doesn't want us to go out to dinner and a movie? Have fun with our families and friends? Live successful and full lives? Of course not! God simply wants us to keep it all in perspective. Pay attention to, and obey his commands. Follow and trust Him. And, most important of all, serve and worship only Him (Deuteronomy 6:5). Never forget that God is number one! 

Scripture: Matthew 4:10; Leviticus 26:3; Deuteronomy 6:13; Exodus 20:5; Exodus 23:32

Prayer: Dear God, I offer my praise and worship to You alone, always. I am Your humble servant. You protect and guide me, provide for, and shelter me. There is no no one greater than You, my Holy Father. Hear my prayer and know that I desire to serve only You. Amen

God bless you!


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