"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Thursday, September 29, 2016

There's Nothing Ordinary with Jesus

As you walk with Jesus, resting your head on His heart, you will learn to know His Word, His will, and His ways. You will want to obey Him, not out of forced compliance, but out of heartfelt connection. Your joy will abound as you remain in His love.”  -Sue Detweiler, 9 Traits of a Life-Giving Mom: Replacing My Worst with God's Best

Sometimes even the most mundane, ordinary actions can result in an unexpected change of direction. When we wake up in the morning we have no certainty what the day will bring us. Granted, we may have plans for the day, but as we all know they are tentative and fragile at best; exposed and vulnerable to change whether we like it, or not.

In John 4:1-42, we see such an example in the Samaritan woman and her encounter with Jesus.  This simple, meager woman probably went to the well at the same time every day to retrieve water for her household. However, little did she know, as she left her home to go to the water well, that her life would be changed forever.

The Samaritan woman, who was drawn into a conversation about eternal life with Jesus, would normally not have had any type of interaction with a Jew. But, Jesus Christ can do that sort of thing to us. He knows our hearts and thoughts, and whether we are receptive to him, or not (Psalm 139:4; Hebrews 4:13).

Did Jesus necessarily need the woman to draw water from the well? Of course not. He was more than capable to do it himself either naturally or supernaturally. But, what he did do was "draw" her into listening to his teaching. Which afterward, she used to witness to others in her city (John 4:28-29).

We just never know how Jesus will use us. Maybe we are needed to help a friend who is going through a bad time and needs emotional support. It could be that elderly neighbor who is unable to do some needed, minor repairs around their house. Perhaps there is a family member who is in dire straits, but is too proud and ashamed to ask for assistance.

There are numerous ways in which Jesus can and wants to use us. But, we will never know if we are unapproachable and unreceptive to him. We may not find him waiting for us by a well, but then we don't have to. If we are filled with his Spirit then he is with us always. Let Jesus into your heart today. And as the Samaritan woman discovered, your life will never be the same!

Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11; 1 Timothy 2:3-4; 1 Thessalonians 5:18; Luke 9:23; James 1:5

Prayer: Holy Father, I pray for a heart that is open to Your word; and for application of Your word to my life, that I may share with others. Amen

Have a blessed day!


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