"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Gift of All Gifts!

"The central miracle asserted by Christians is the incarnation. They say that God became man." - C.S. Lewis

All around the world, many will soon gather to celebrate the birth of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Christmas sermons will be given in many languages, and in many different locations. Some might prefer going to those offered in the morning, while others would rather attend in the afternoon or evening.

No matter whether we congregate in large, mega-churches, small, intimate, houses of worship, or even in humble, homes of fellow believers, the important thing is that we all share a common bond with one another, regardless of place or situation. And that is our shared belief and faith in Christ.

There are some interesting facts pertaining to the first Christmas that tend to get overlooked in all the hustle and bustle of the season. This would be a great opportunity to revisit them, and maybe steer our focus back onto that blessed event of long ago.

The first Christmas service was celebrated at night. It wasn't observed in a church, synagogue, or temple. It took place in the Judean hills. There were no candles or lamps to light the meeting. As a matter of fact, the scene was illuminated only by the stars and the glory of God.

Those in attendance were not rich, famous, or favored. Instead, only a handful of lowly shepherds made up this congregation. The music for this special occasion was provided not by a house band or a church gospel group, but by a heavenly choir.

Yes, it was night in Bethlehem. But, it was also night (the night of hopelessness and despair) all over the world. Oh, there was peace in the land, alright. However, it was the kind of solemn peace one might associate with a cemetery. It was during this time, that Rome held God's chosen nation under its heel.

Meanwhile, the people longed for a lasting peace, God, hearing their pleas, sent then an eternal Prince of Peace. God had a message of good news to deliver to the world. He didn't have any modern conveniences, such as the internet, or social media. So how did he get the word out?

He used something even better...an angel...to deliver the most astoundingly, incredible message ever heard. That night, a baby was born in Bethlehem, and his name was Jesus! But this was no ordinary baby we are talking about here.

What made this child especially unique from any other that was that it was the incarnate Son of God, the promised Messiah. This tiny newborn was sent by God Himself to save his people from sin. Jesus came to save sinners from the greatest curse on the human race...sin.

Scripture: Luke 2:10; Matthew 16:16; Philippians 2: 9-11; Revelation 19:6; John 1:14

Prayer: Gracious and loving Father, during this time of the year we are reminded over and over of Your generous gift to us in Your Son, Jesus Christ. May we remember, and be thankful for this always. Amen

May your holidays be blessed!


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