"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Approach God Earnestly in Faith!

"Faith looks not at what happens to him but at Him Whom he believes." - Watchman Nee

One of the many issues that causes some people to walk away from Jesus is that they feel let down by him. They might assume that he abandoned them when they needed him most. Or, think that counting on Jesus' assistance will only lead to disappointment and frustration.

Surprisingly, this type of sentiment is not coming from unbelievers or skeptics, but from once faithful followers of Christ who have, for reasons such as above, retreated or even quit altogether. There is a question begging to be asked, and it begins with a resounding, "Why?"

First off, nothing is impossible with God. He is omnipotent and omniscient. When He chooses to answer our petitions, or not, it's always with our best interest in mind. God isn't to blame for things that don't suit us, such as: unanswered prayers, or other negative occurrences; although it's very easy for us to do. (Luke 1:37; Jeremiah 32:27)

We, ourselves, short-change or limit what He can do for us by not being wholly honest, and truthful in what we want. Our prayer requests may appear solid enough, but in actuality they are sadly lacking in the most critical component: faith. We are the problem, not God. (2 Corinthians 5:7)

Far too often we rely on lip praise in our relationship with God. A lot of this is due to the way many approach or see God today. He is seen as an easy-going buddy or friend instead of Our Heavenly Father who is to be feared (respected) and obeyed. We rely too much on our acumen instead of His infiniteness. (James 1:6)

How many times have you pleaded to God for his favor, but gave up after a few feeble attempts? Maybe you figured, "I didn't think God would do anything for me, He never did before."  As powerful as God is, he still needs to find us accessible; our hearts attainable, in order to do anything. This is where our real faith either displays itself, or not. (Hebrews 5:7)

Be tenacious, resilient, and above all, persistent in asking God for his help. Dig deep inside yourself where true faith lies. Pray like you mean it, and mean what you pray. Recall when on the Mount of Olives, Jesus prayed so deeply that "his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down." (Luke 22:44)

This is how we should submit our supplications to The Almighty. Without any doubts, hesitation, or timidity. Let only sincere and heartfelt prayer flow freely and unimpeded from your heart to God. Faithfully impart your needs to God; placing them at His feet. He will take it from there.

Scripture: John 14:13-14; Mark 11:24; Ephesians 6:18; Ephesians 2:8; Romans 5:1

Prayer: Dear Lord, though I am flawed by human tendencies, my love and thankfulness for You is genuine and true. In faith, I know that I can approach You; knowing You will always receive me in mercy and grace. Amen

Have a blessed day!


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