"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

You Are Never Lonely with Christ

"The desire for fellowship, a sense of belonging, and the assurance of acceptance are basic human needs."  -Mother Teresa

You'd never think that people living today in this always-connected,  21st century world would ever be lonely, but this is not necessarily true. In fact, a person can suffer from loneliness even though they are surrounded by others, or be involved in a long-term relationship such as a marriage, for instance.

Naturally, the Christian is not immune from the effects of loneliness. So what can one do when it strikes? First, we need to admit that we can't make ourselves totally immune from loneliness. It's a problem we will have to confront as time goes by. Fortunately, there are some things that may help us work through the bleakness.

When we feel lonely we should look to the Lord for grace, guidance, and help. It is not the will of God that any of us experience the painful agony of loneliness. But, it is His will that each of us be members of his family and that we live together and relate to each other with warm, generous love.

It is vital that we develop a positive mental attitude based on faith in God; that He will help us overcome loneliness. We also need to accept humanity for what it is so as not to be knocked off our feet by their misunderstanding or mistreatment. Forgiveness goes a long way in overcoming loneliness!

Sometimes unconfessed sin and unforsaken sin can cause loneliness. We need to recognize the cause for our feeling of isolation and unhappiness, and confess and set aside the attitude or action that is encouraging the vicious, destructive cycle in our lives. Not doing so only so can add fuel to the fire.

Suffering from loneliness is not anything to be ashamed of or unique. The desire for fellowship, a sense of belonging, and the assurance of acceptance are basic human needs. Even Jesus Christ experienced the pain of loneliness and feeling deserted. In Matthew 27:46 he cried out to God in his time of need. 

If you have placed your trust in Jesus Christ, then trust in in his promise to be with you at all times and under every circumstance. Hebrews 13:5 tells us that, "..."Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Keep this in your heart always.

Scripture: Isaiah 41:10; 1 Peter 5:7; Deuteronomy 31:6; Psalm 27:10; John 14:18 

Prayer: For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him, amen.  - Psalm 62:5

Have a blessed day!


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