From the beginning, Our Lord intended for the Scriptures to have a special purpose. They were by no means put together in haste, or without a goal in mind. God doesn't work that way. They were as much a part of His great design as the rest of creation.
Yes, it would have been possible for Jesus to teach his disciples without them. No doubt they could have been instructed on everything they needed to know about Him, His duty, His Divine commission, sufferings and death, His resurrection, and the glory to come; all of this, by his direct inspiration.
Instead, he chose to guide them to the living prophecies that were given to their fathers by God. And guess what he used as his source of reference? You might find this surprising, but many people have never read the Scriptures at all.
On the other hand, many others have read (and do read) the Scriptures but fail to comprehend any of it. Their meaning is locked away from them like some hidden, buried treasure. The most common, underlying problem is not with the Scriptures. It is with the way they are read.
We cannot approach the Scriptures as we would just any other book. We must ask ourselves whether we read the Scriptures, not only on a regular basis, but with belief or faith. Or, are we merely reading according to what the verse of the day is? If this is all the effort you can put into it, then don't expect to get much out of it.
Before we even start to read we must pray to God for understanding and guidance. Without instruction from the Spirit of Christ, how in the world are we going to receive it? Only the Lord can provide these things. It is our responsibility to search the Scriptures. We cannot simply sit back and wait. We need to get our hands a little dirty.
Only a fixed, firm belief will lead us to read the Scriptures with a heartfelt and purposeful effort. We cannot deny that without His guidance none of this will happen. We will not take hold of their full benefit. It is imperative that the Scriptures be read with earnestness and intensity.
Lastly, we must open our hearts to God, and demonstrate our need for His Grace. He will never force his way in. It is always our decision to let Him in, or not. Therefore, let God know you are ready and willing for his direction by reading the Scriptures with a devoted, submissive, and eager spirit.
Scripture: Mark 4:11-12; John 16:13; 2 Timothy 3:16; John 14:26; Hebrews 4:12
Prayer: Dear Lord, I pray for the understanding and guidance that only Your Word can provide. Help me apply Your instruction to every part of my life, amen
May God richly bless you!
May God richly bless you!
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