"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Woman Who Fears the Lord

"All places where women are excluded tend downward to barbarism; but the moment she is introduced, there come in with her courtesy, cleanliness, sobriety, and order."  - Harriet Beecher Stowe

Have you ever given thought to what makes a "godly" or virtuous woman? What does she look like? act like? talk like? Perhaps you may have heard about this godly woman, or that godly woman but has anyone given just a basic description of who or what she is?

I'll use Proverbs 31 (particularly verses 10-31) as my source for discussion. In this example of Scripture, a concerned mother provides her son with a check-list, of sorts, of qualities to look for in a potential wife. In other words, what wives women should make and what wives men should choose.

Proverbs 31:11 tells us that she is trustworthy. Dependability and reliability are virtues that have been recognize, appreciated, and valued from the beginning of history. God needs trustworthy people. Families, even society need people who can be trusted.

The next verse, Proverbs 31:12 describes her as being benevolent. She is described as one who sees in her marriage an opportunity to contribute and help. If both husbands and wives would seek to to make a positive contribution toward the well-being of each other, marriage and society would be much more enjoyable.

In Proverbs 31:13-16; 21-22; 24-25; 27, the virtuous, or godly woman is described as being industrious. It's interesting to note here that, although she is a domestic, her interests and activities are not restricted to only the household.

Even in ancient times she had a career that extended outside the family unit. She is described as a producer and achiever, as well as a contributor to the well-being of the family and to the society of that time. Moving along, we see in Proverbs 31:17-19; 25 that she also possesses a good self-image.

This is vital to our happiness in life. She who holds herself in low esteem will not be able to relate positively and constructively to others. She properly evaluates and appreciates herself. Because of her good self-esteem she is able to face the future head-on without fear and with full confidence.

This woman is also described as compassionate (Proverbs 31:23). That is, she does not limit her concern to her husband and household. She sees the needs of the unfortunate and hears their pleas for help. She moves in compassion to help them, and is giver rather than a receiver.

She also identifies with her husband and rejoices in his recognition (Proverbs 31:23). In addition, she contributes to his status and role in the community. Rejoicing over the service he performs and the recognition he receives.

Lastly, she is described as having the ability to speak constructively (Proverbs 31:26). Our words can be destructive and hurtful if left unchecked. Instead it is better to use them to help, inspire, and encourage. She has, in essence, mastered the art of using her words for the good of others.

In summary, within Proverbs 31 we basically find a description of a liberated woman. Even in that long ago time she was free to worship God, be responsible and dependable, be a wife, mother, worker, helper, and a builder.

She did not define freedom in terms of privilege, but in terms of liberty to be and to become, to do, and to achieve. She received great recognition because she was worthy of praise (Proverbs 31:28-31). There is no expiration date for the qualities described here. They are just as fresh today as the day they were written.

Scripture: 1 Peter 3:1; 1 Corinthians 11:3; Proverbs 11:22; Galatians 2:20; Ruth 3:11

Prayer: Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me, amen

May God be with you,


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