"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Friday, October 26, 2018

We Cannot Bear Sin!

"We cannot bear sin - when it is near us, we feel like a wretch chained to a rotting carcass; we groan to be free from the hateful thing." - Charles Spurgeon

Many physical flaws may be covered or concealed by the use of make-up, certain types and colors of clothing, and, to the extreme, plastic surgery. Most of these fixes, other than plastic surgery, are relatively inexpensive and can produce fairly good results.

Honestly, changing up our outward appearance is not too difficult to do. Even a few subtle, inexpensive alterations, or changes in lifestyle can make a big difference, or change almost anyone's outlook about themselves and on life in general.

But have you given any thought to the state of your inner, spiritual condition? There is something that is common to all of us, yet is impossible to conceal no matter what we may try to do, as many try to do. I am talking about sin  (Romans 3:23).

Yes, some carry around sin that is so obvious it is hard to deny, but think everything is great because they have not met with any negative consequences thus far. In other words, they are falsely under the impression that it must not be all that bad if God hasn't done anything about it (Numbers 32:23).

While others may think they they have done a pretty good job of concealing or covering up their sin, keeping it tucked away in the dark recesses of their mind where it is out of view; out of sight, out of mind. But they are only fooling themselves (1 John 1:8).

No matter, all sins have their proper punishment! Understand that while it may seem that too much time has passed by, or perhaps you actually got away with it, in general, sooner or later you will pay the price for your sins. This even includes sins that are repented of, such as in the case of King David (see 2 Samuel 11).

One of the really ugly things about sin is that no matter when it was committed, it leaves a filthy residue on our spiritual nature that never truly goes away. It clings to our soul, following us throughout our lives. Our only chance to cleanse ourselves of sin is through our faith and the blood of Christ.

Sin makes us unclean and unpresentable to enter into God's presence. We all reek of sin. It drips from our souls like filthy waste water. Only the blood of Christ can cleanse us of our putrid sin (1 John 1:7; 1 Peter 1:19). When we, by faith, administer Jesus' blood to our sin-stained souls, God declares us formally clean and acceptable (Titus 2:14; 3:5).

Thus, we have been thoroughly scrubbed clean of sin. Our sin is taken from us and placed on Jesus Christ; by which we are declared righteous by God; our sins forgotten (Ephesians 1:7). Again, the only thing strong enough to absolve us of our sins is Christ's blood. Nothing else will do (Colossians 2:14; 2 Corinthians 5:21).

You might be thinking this means that we will never sin again. Make no mistake, we are still sinners who are fully capable of committing sin! However, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, we are no longer held hostage by sin. We can ask for forgiveness of sin, through faith in Him, and be forgiven (Psalm 103:12).

Scripture: James 1:14-15; 1 Corinthians 1:30;  Ezekiel 18:4; Hebrews 9:28; Romans 7:5

Prayer: Dear Lord, forgive my sins and forget my iniquities. I am sorry for the offenses I have committed against You, amen.

Blessings always,


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