"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Kingdom Is Attainable through Christ

"There are no crown-wearers in heaven who were not cross-bearers here below."  - Charles Spurgeon

When we hear the word "mountain" it might conjure up pictures of tall, majestic, rocky formations; some even with snow-capped peaks. It brings to mind strength, immenseness, enduring and permanence.

The word "mountain" is used approximately 137 times, and can be found in 137 verses in the King James Bible (KJV). This tells us that it obviously has to be an important word to be used so frequently.

During ancient times, natural objects were frequently used to illustrate points, or add depth to language and speech. Such is the case with the word "mountain."

It is a massive and powerful word. In Scripture symbolism, a mountain means a kingdom. For instance, in Isaiah 2:2 and Daniel 2:35; 44-45 it refers to "the kingdom of God;" which is indeed everlasting and imperishable.

In our modern world, men seek to conquer mountains because they are challenging and beyond the grasp of most other men. Brave and daring climbers are willing to sacrifice it all just to reach their summits.

So, too, was the kingdom of God. Even though it had been attained only by a few God-selected men, namely Enoch and Elijah, it remained out of our reach until Jesus' resurrection made it accessible to the rest of us. This, however, doesn't mean it is an effortless endeavor now.

You can be certain there will be obstacles thrown into your path along the way, and storms will suddenly appear to hamper your journey. Temptation, greed, lust, vanity, and apostasy will all try to stop you (Matthew 7:13-14).

But, you, the believer in Christ, thankfully do not have to face these trials alone. Along the way you will have the advantage of having a loving, merciful, and steadfast escort to see you through to the end.

The kingdom of God is no longer an impossible dream. Nor does it require any special equipment to take you there. Repentance of your sins, and a commitment of belief in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior will get you well started (John 3:3).

A passage to the top of the mountain, made passable by his sacrifice on the cross, lies ahead. His pillar of smoke will guide you during the day; his pillar of fire at night (Exodus 13:21). Jesus, your Almighty guide awaits you.

Scripture: John 18:36; Mark 1:15; Daniel 2:44; Matthew 25:34; Matthew 3:2

Prayer: Dear Jesus, I am grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and therefore I offer to You my acceptable worship, with humble reverence and awe, amen.

Blessings always,


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