"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Monday, January 14, 2019

What Is Truth?

"What is truth? said jesting Pilate; and would not stay for an answer." - Francis Bacon

Trust is a word that has been batted around so frequently that I feel it has lost much of its signification. It really is becoming more difficult to trust in anyone or anything these days.

A big part of the problem could be that there are few good examples set before us to follow. What we see instead are frequent instances of falsehoods, fabrications, cover-ups, cheating, and crookedness.

While it is understandable that trusting our fellow man is a risky proposition at best, placing our trust in God brings no such uncertainty. On the other hand, when we trust in man there's always the possibility of wrongdoing.

The issues caused by the failure of trust is ours, not God's. It's no wonder so many are confused and dismayed.  Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the Bible has weighed in on this very problem many times.

Psalm 118:8; Micah 7:5; Jeremiah 17:5; Proverbs 3:5-6; John 2:24-25 (ESV) are but a few examples that demonstrate what I've been talking about. If you notice there is a common, negative factor in all of them, and that is "man."

I'm not suggesting that there aren't any trustworthy people around. What I am suggesting, though, is that our trust is better placed with God. We know how quickly relationships can sour, and without notice.

Our trust, once it is given to God, is beyond any feeble, earthly conditions or situations. I think of Abraham who, even though given no guarantees, faithfully trusted that God would keep his word, and He did (Hebrews 11:8-10).

You and I can place our full trust with God without any worries or remorse. Psalm 9:10 (ESV) tells us, "And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you."

We have all been victims of mistrust at some time or another. It's a chance we take when dealing with others. But, when our trust is with God we can rest comfortably in knowing that "whoever trusts in the Lord is safe."

Scripture: Psalm 143:8; Psalm 56:3; Jeremiah 7:8; Psalm 40:4; Proverbs 12:22

Prayer: Preserve my life, for I am godly; save your servant, who trusts in you—you are my God.  - Psalm 86:2 (ESV)

Blessings always,


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