"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Monday, April 8, 2019

"What Should I Do..?"

 "The greatest mistake any Christian can make is to substitute his own will for the will of God." - Harry Ironside

During the course of our daily lives we are presented with various situations that involve decision-making, such as: "What outfit should I wear today?" "Do I need to get my haircut?" "Is that food still edible?"

If you stop and think about it, most of our lives revolve around decisions and their outcomes, some good, others not so. This can also apply to our spiritual life with God, or lack of one. It's a choice we must make.

I've had people tell me that it's too hard to believe in that Bible stuff, that it takes too much time and effort; that it doesn't work for them, or fit into their lifestyle. Again, it boils down to decisions; theirs, and theirs alone.

God knows that some need more time to decide and is willing to allow it. He also knows that we're basically a rebellious lot. We like to think that we know better and can do better on our own (Proverbs 3:5).

The rebellious Israelites also tested God's patience and love repeatedly. Yet, God always came to their aid. Even after God allowed them to be taken captive and scattered throughout the land, he never truly abandoned them.

Israel was well aware of what his expectations were, as well as the consequences of not following through with them. God is not into playing complicated or ambiguous games. He is always honest and will never waste our time (Jeremiah 29:11).

Life or death, blessing or curse, God or self. These were all choices confronted by Israel in the Old Testament. They still hold significance for us today. We must decide what we want to do, choose wisely. If you're unsure, pray to God for his help (James 1:5).

Scripture: Jeremiah 33:3; Psalm 32:8; Proverbs 2:6; Proverbs 21:2; Proverbs 19:2

Prayer: Dear God, I pray for Your help with all decisions in my life; may You always instruct and guide me with Your steady hand, amen.

Bless you always,


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