"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Friday, November 1, 2019

Succinct Scripture Studies: Do I Matter to the Church..?

The feeling that one is left out means: to feel that one is not included in something. In other words, someone may feel neglected, excluded, ignored, cast aside, and even shut out. No matter what, feeling left out is never good.

Maybe you've experienced this at some time in your life at school, work, or even among family or friends. This can also happen to Church members, making it difficult for those who've been affected to feel purposeful among the others.

Introspection: Can you recall an incident when, either you,or someone else, was "left out" of being part of a group (Church or other)? Do you think that the feelings associated with being "left out" can cause or promote division or separation?

A. Reading: Familiarize yourself with 1 Corinthians 12:12-17; 24b-27 before moving ahead to the following questions.


1. What is the analogy or comparison Paul uses to show what the Church is like?
2. Based on this passage, how important is each individual in the Church?
3. How distinguished or skilled does a person have to be in order to find a rightfully significant place in the Church?

B. Reading: Familiarize yourself with Matthew 18:19, 20 before moving ahead to the following questions.


1.  In accordance to Jesus, what benefits is there to praying with another--especially in a Church discipline (correction) situation in the context of this particular passage?
2. Do you think God listens to the prayers of an individual more than a group, or does He listen to a group more than a person? Yes or No?
3. Can you recall any occasion when God would be looking for the prayer of members of a group rather than the prayer of a specific individual? 

C. Reading: Familiarize yourself with Romans 15:1-7, 13 before moving ahead to the following questions.

1. On the basis of this passage, what resources are accessible to the Christian to help them minister to others? Refer to the specified verses.

a)____________________________________________________________________ (verse 1)

b)____________________________________________________________________ (verse 3)

c)____________________________________________________________________  (verse 4)

d)____________________________________________________________________  (verse 5)

e)____________________________________________________________________ (verse 7)

f)____________________________________________________________________ (verse 13)

2. What things has God already equipped us to do in the Church, particularly our neighbors?
3. Recall Romans 15:5-7. What things is God looking for from the Church body?
4. Does every member in the Body of Christ need to participate in order to turn these commands into reality?

D. Is harmony (unity, agreement) in the Body of Christ a given, or automatic? If not, what is required of each one of us to preserve it?  Read: Ephesians 4:3; Philippians 1:27, 2:2

E. Taking into account our study, make a listing of some of the reasons needs each of us to perform our duty as part of the Church today.

A Prayer to Grow On... Pray about one thing you could do this coming week that would help you to feel more like an active, contributing member of the Body of Christ.

Brightest blessings,


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