"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Monday, December 16, 2019

Let Us Dwell in Unity!

"The unity we most deeply need is through personal unity with the one Lord and Brother, that thus we may really enter into the power and blessing of this great grace of unity with each other."  - W. Hoyt

One of the most popular themes carried through the holiday season is brotherhood or unity. The cheerful, laughing, singing people we see in television, periodicals, and social media ads all seem happy enough for sure.

In theory, this is the way it should be; everyone getting along, having a great time together. Then we switch the channel or turn the page and there it is, all of the ugliness, pain and injustice we inflict on one another, in full, glorious color.

It is no secret that this goes against what God desires for us (John 13:34-35). His kind of unity goes much deeper into our hearts and souls. It isn't a staged, artificial unity but a very real one, and certainly worth taking a closer look.

Unfortunately, due to obvious limitations of space, this will not be an exhaustive look. Instead, a brief, concise one will have to suffice. Thus, I have chosen the short, Psalm 133 for a basic starting point, as its theme is all about unity

This Psalm is a description of the blessing and benefit of unity among brethren, as written by David. Psalm 133:1 begins by speaking about the goodness and pleasantness that occurs when God's people reside together in unity.

This unity recognizes that although mutual love is expressed, believers are free to have differences on minor things. We are free to agree on fundamentals, but are allowed to differ on things of lesser importance in mutual love.

Psalm 133:2 compares unity among believers to precious oil that is poured out over Aaron's head. This refers to a fragrant anointing perfume (sacred oil) used in the anointing of Aaron the priest (Exodus  30:22-30).

As the sacred oil moved down over his beard and shoulders, then finally his breastplate (which had the inscribed names of the 12 tribes of Israel), it symbolized the unity of the nation in worship under their consecrated priest. 

Just as the oil consecrated Aaron, so too was the nation made holy by the unity of the worshipers in Jerusalem. A wonderful image of the ministry of the Holy Spirit coming down as a savory perfume on God's people when they are happily united is given here.

Psalm 133:2, is similar to the previous verse. The dew flowing down from Hermon, a high mountain located just north of Israel, figuratively describes God's blessings descending to His people. And the blessing..? 

The blessing being God's intent for the happiness, health, and prosperity of His people both in this life, and the hereafter. Sadly, Israel, much like us in modern times, rarely attained the level of unity or blessing described here. 

In the end, this Psalm serves as a representation of the the Heavenly Kingdom. We can only pray that at some future date, such true, spiritual unity will be experienced by all believers in God (2 Thessalonians 2:15).

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:10; 1 Peter 3:8; Ephesians 4:2; Philippians 2:2; Romans 15:6

Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to live in harmony with others, and in accord with Your will and teachings. Amen.

God bless you, 


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