"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Friday, April 24, 2020

Scripture Study with Bibi: Genesis 18:1-21

If God's asking you to do something, He's also promising to go with you.”  - Amanda G. Stevens, from Far and Near

Hello, and welcome back! I hope that you enjoyed a blessed Easter.

These are unquestionably troubling times in which we are living through. Even the most steadfast believer might find himself apprehensive about tomorrow, especially when employment, housing, food, and debt can be problematic.

Thankfully, we can always trust in the word of God to bring us comfort, encouragement, and spiritual nourishment whenever and wherever it is needed. For, "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak" (Isaiah 40:29).

Last time, we concluded Genesis 17. Abram is now called "Abraham," and his wife Sarai is now "Sarah" (Genesis 17:15). God also promised Abraham and Sarah a biological son of their own (Genesis 17:16). And God will establish an everlasting covenant him.

Although he would not be Abraham's promised heir, Abraham's son Ishmael, by Sarah's servant Hagar, was not forgotten by God (Genesis 17:20). Finally, Abraham and his family were circumcised, thus receiving the sign of the covenant and setting themselves apart from other families (Genesis 17:23-27).

As we begin Genesis 18, there is another encounter between God and Abraham that likely takes place not soon after the last (chapter 17). This particular occurrence was the reward for Abraham's happy compliance with the law of circumcision.

As always, I encourage everyone to read the chapter before tackling the questions. I truly believe this will help to put things into proper perspective, and aid in learning the material, which in turn will result in a more fruitful Bible study!

Let's begin with prayer: Dear LORD, as we meet together to learn, grow, and change in study, help us move into a deeper understanding of Your truth. Amen.

Now, here's this week's study...

In an unpredictable and confusing world it is reassuring to know that God will not abandon us. He brings us confidence, support, and peace of mind when we require it the most. Without question, our faith, patience, and prayers will be rewarded in the end.

1.) Abraham was resting near the great trees of Mamre at Hebron. According to custom, he was sitting at the entrance to his tent around mid-day in order to cool himself off when something happened. What was it and who did it involve? (Genesis 18:1-2)

2.) It was also customary to offer hospitalities to weary travelers so that they may be rested and refreshed before continuing on their journey. In what manner did Abraham extend his hospitality, and what did he offer? (Genesis 18-3-5)

3.) The three men accepted Abraham's hospitable invitation. What sequence of events took place from that point? (Genesis 18:6-8)

4.) Abraham carefully tended to his guests while they ate, as any gracious host should. What did they ask Abraham about Sarah? Where was she? What did one of the men tell Abraham regarding her? (Genesis 18:9-10)

5.) What the man told Abraham was wonderful news, but there were a couple of things about Abraham and Sarah that were not in their favor. What were they?  (Genesis 18:11)

6.) Sarah had been listening to the conversation between Abraham and the men. What was her reaction to what she heard said about her? (Genesis 18:12)

7.) Sarah was promptly admonished for her reaction. She even tried to deny it. What was said to her, and by whom? (Genesis 18:13-15)

8.) After the guests had finished their meal they got up to leave. Abraham walked outside with them. What did the men do? (Genesis 18:16)

9.) As was also customary for a host to do, Abraham walked with the men for a while. During the course of this walk something was revealed to Abraham. Who revealed it? What was Abraham told? (Genesis 18:17-19)

10.) God also makes known to Abraham about another concern He had. What was it? How was He going to verify it? (Genesis 18:20-21)

Next time, we will conclude Genesis 18. Here we shall see Abraham as he intercedes for Sodom in the face of God's wrath. We all know where God stands on the subject of those who are righteous and unrighteous, but here we will begin to Him in action.

Until then, have a blessed and safe week!

Scripture: Psalm 89:34; Romans 4:21; Hebrews 10:23; Luke 18:27; Numbers 23:19

Prayer: Dear LORD, strengthen me with hope of my salvation and the many other blessing You provide with Your presence in my life. Amen.

May you be generously blessed!


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