"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Friday, December 8, 2023

Fundamentals with Bibi: The Gift of God - The Holy Scriptures (Part 5)


"Every time I read the Bible, any part of the Bible—I don’t care where I open up—it speaks to me. It’s a living book."  - Billy Graham

Hello, and welcome back! As always, I pray that today finds you in good health and spiritually strong in Jesus Christ. We have been exploring the different names by which we may recognize the Scriptures by.

We are most familiar with the Holy Scriputures as the Bible; a group of sixty-six books within the Book, or Bible. These books are grouped into the Old Testament and New Testament, composed by writers inspired by the Holy Spirit.

This time, our discussion of the Bible, or "the Word of God," will find us examining yet another label for it: "The Word of Christ." For this, I refer you to Colossians 3:16. This may differ depending on your Bible version.

But whether it appears as: "the Word of God," "the message of Christ," "the message about Christ," or "the [spoken] word of Christ," etc., the verse tells us that His Word, or truth, dwells within the heart of a believer.

In other words, it is conceived and takes root, or becomes engrafted there. You and I, as believers in Jesus Christ, carry his Word in our hearts where it lives and grows as we mature in our faith. How wonderful is that? (John 7:38)

Unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone. Many have the Word, but it dwells within them imadequately. It (the gospel) lacks in power and efficiency. The Word will not thrive if the conditions are deficient or neglected (Matthew 7:24). 

To clarify, "the Word of Christ," as we have been talking about, refers to His teachings. This includes both, those directly found in the in the Gospels, as well as those expounded, or described, by the Apostles.

There are also many benefits that come with Christ's word. His word can provide guidance in our lives, showing us where we are wrong, or how to correct mistakes in our belief and how to change our actions (Psalm 33:4).

Our thoughts, intentions, and character are all set forth with our words. Thus, in this manner we reveal ourselves. Therefore, since we were created by God, it only makes sense that he would reveal Himself to us in this way, too.

Remember, the work of salvation is accomplished by the power of His word. This happens when we let Christ take control, and trust in Him to save us through his sacrifice on the cross (1 Thessalonians 2:13).

Once again, I'm afraid we must stop for now. I pray that you take time to reflect on the power of the Word of Christ, and how it has affected your life and walk in faith (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

Until next time, may God keep you safe, healthy, and deeply enriched by His Word!

Scripture: Matthew 24:35; Proverbs 16:24; Proverbs 30:5; Luke 11:28; 

Prayer: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Amen.  - Psalm 19:14

The grace of Jesus Christ be with you,


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