Few things in "life" remain the same, or constant. You've probably noticed the special emphasis I've placed on the word "life." Living things, or organisms have the susceptibility to change, or develop.
Our own lives, by their very nature, are subject to change(s). None of us are the same persons we were 10, 20, 30 years or more ago. There's nothing strange or unique about that. It's simply nature's way.
Taking this a step further, even inanimate objects, though not actually living, are subject to change over the course of time (mountains, for example) . Naturally, it happens at a different rate in comparison to living things.
One might ask, "Is there anything that is totally unchanging?" The answer to that inquiry is a resounding, "Yes, there is!" Scripture has many references to the One who is unchanging in heaven and on earth.
The Book of Hebrews contains one of the most well-known verses pertaining to this topic, "Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Hebrews 13:8). In other words, unlike the world, He does not change in any way. Jesus is "unchanging."
We've all experienced disappointment, broken promises, and betrayal at some time or other in our lives. Friendships come and go, jobs are secured and lost, opportunities present themselves then disappear.
Temporal assurances are only temporary, if at all. We've seen advertisements touting the "reliability" or "trustworthiness" of some product, or result. Jesus, however, is the "real deal," as they say.
He alone offers constancy, faithfulness, dedication , devotion, and steadfastness to the life of the believer. How can we be so certain that His immutability is real and verifiable? Because the truth is in the Scriptures themselves!
For example, Malachi 3:6; Psalm 102:25-27; Psalm 33:11; Isaiah 46:10 communicate God's Word of Honor that what He says is eternally valid. God always keeps his promises.
You see, because of His unchangeableness, God is perfect. And as such, he isn't subject to the flaws and defects that affect our corruptible lives. This is what made Jesus Christ the perfect Savior.
There is no sin, suffering, or problem that would cause Him to ever cast You or I aside. His love for us "was," "is," and "will be" forever and always the same. I challenge you to find anything else with a better, binding declaration than that!
Scripture: 1 Samuel 15:29; Isaiah 40:28; 1 Timothy 6:20; 2 Timothy 4:3; John 1:1
Prayer: God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? - Numbers 23:19
God bless you!
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