"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Friday, October 4, 2024

Jesus Can Overcome Your Doubts


"Doubting does not prove that a man has no faith, but only that his faith is small. And even when our faith is small, the Lord is ready to help us."  - J.C. Ryle

Can we talk about "doubt" for a moment, or two? Let me share some things about "doubt" with you. Some may sound familiar, of course, and others not. No matter, because this emotion is common to each and every one of us.

Doubt is defined as: a mental state that causes uncertainty about two or more opposing things offered for consideration or acceptance; likewise, indecision between belief and disbelief. 

What's more, it can incorporate uncertainty, distrust, or a lack of conviction about certain facts, actions, motives, or decisions. Doubt can even shut us off from everything; literally overwhelming our lives.

Believers are not spared from doubt, either! For the Christian, there may be times during certain seasons in life when one might ask, "Does God even care?" or "Does God still love me?"

But, doubt is not unusual by any means. Jesus' disciples themselves faced "doubt" as recorded in Matthew 14. This is the well-known scripture where Jesus walks on water.

As is reported, the disciples experienced some doubt as Jesus walked over the stormy waves toward their boat. This terrified them to the point that it caused them to cry out in fear (Matthew 14:26)! 

After Jesus calms the men down, Peter asks Jesus to command him to walk out to where he is. Which Jesus proceeds to do (Matthew 14:28). Peter starts out fine, but then doubt sets in and he starts to sink under the waves.

Jesus reaches his hand out to Peter and saves him, pointing out that it was his own doubt that caused him to flounder. Upon boarding the boat, the storm ceased altogether and the sea was again calm (Matthew 14:31-32).

It is evident through this episode that God provided Jesus with the power to control all natural elements. He was also provided with the ability to save us. And just as Jesus saved Peter when he called out to Him, we are given the same opportunity (Matthew 14:30).

Peter wasn't so different from many of us. In this instance, he demonstrated a lack of faith, and a lot of doubt. He took his focus off of the only real object of faith, losing sight of Jesus, which in turned caused him to sink (James 1:6).

Opportunities to doubt will certainly arise in life. But when it does, remember the Lord who gives us strength to overcome it. All we need to do is cry out to Him, and He will save us (Psalm 50:15).

Scripture: Isaiah 41:10; Proverbs 3:5; Matthew 28:17; John 14:1; John 20:29

Prayer:  Lord, I pray for your presence, strength, and help not only in the days when my doubt is heavy; but in my life always. Amen.

May your days be blessed,


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