Friday, January 31, 2025
God Hates Injustice!
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Who's In Charge Here? - God's Sovereignty
My childhood aside, throughout the history of mankind we've had problems related to authority. This doesn't mean that "authority" is a bad thing. It's just that there are some who are better at wielding it than others.
And there lies the problem. You never know what you're going to get with someone who is in a position of authority. We've all had positive and negative experiences in our work and personal lives that we can identify with.
There is One, however, whose authority and supreme power over ALL creation is beyond our comprehension. In fact, it is one of the central themes in Christian theology; better known as: the Sovereignty of God.
According to this doctrine, or teaching, God is the universal Creator and Sustainer Who generously employs his boundless will as He sees fit. The idea of divine sovereignty is embedded in Scripture, attesting to God's supreme authority over everything.
This is disclosed in Genesis 1:1. You'll find the same point impressed upon us in Psalm:115:3. The prophet Isaiah was also well aware of the Sovereignty of God, as he proclaims in Isaiah 46:9-10.
Isaiah's passage draws attention to God's extraordinary ability to proclaim and carry out His purposes, establishing His control over world events and human progress. Let’s now examine God’s sovereignty as illustrated in the New Testament, as well.
We see this concept also demonstrated for us in Romans 9:15-16. The apostle Paul calls to our attention that the concept of salvation is, in the end, a product of God's sovereign mercy, and not due to any effort on our part. i
As I mentioned, man has always had a problem with authority; unfortunately this includes our relationship towards God, too. And though this dilemma has been the subject of theological discussion for centuries, there is no viable answer.
Perhaps the best thing we can do is stop resisting God's authority, and try working with, instead of against Him. The key here is to foster a cooperative relationship with God between our own endeavors and His divine plan.
Scripture: Exodus 18:11; Deuteronomy 4:39; Joshua 2:11; Acts 17:24-26; Romans 4:11
Prayer: "You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being." - Revelation 4:11
Monday, January 27, 2025
Walking By Faith | Despair: No Pity to Myself
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Weekend Message: Life Unhindered - Part 1 of 3 | Beth Moore
Welcome to the Weekend Message!
As always, it's my pleasure to bring you quality presentations from some of the best Christian teachers in the world! Each video presentation can vary, but whatever the topic, you can be certain that it will be informative and Bible-based.
Friday, January 24, 2025
Whistle-Stop Scripture Study: 1 John 5 (Conclusion)
We've now reached the final chapter in this study of The First Epistle of John or 1 John. This session finds us examining 1 John 5 in this initial group of letters; most likely sent to believers among the churches in Asia Minor.
Up to this point, the main focus of these epistles, or letters, has been on love, and heeding the word of God and carrying it out. Without a doubt, these are important in the life of a believer.
But the glue that holds all of this together is faith. And that's where we find ourselves in this lesson, as we turn to explore the significance of believing in the Son. This is shown here in chapter 5, seven out of ten times in all of 1 John!
For those who do believe in Jesus Christ, they acquire the assurance of eternal life. Thus, some key points must be called to our attention here.
- that true faith is manifested through our love for God, and everyone else.
- it stresses that one who absolutely believes in Jesus Christ as the Son of God has been "born of God" or spiritually reborn.
- they (believers in Christ) gain possession of the power to overcome or defeat the world.
#1. What are the main points of 1 John 4?
- Test the spirits to see whether they are from God
- God is love.
- Owing to the fact that there are many false prophets.
- Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God.
- The spirit of the antichrist, is already in the world.
- The one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
- As believers, whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us.
- Because love comes from God and everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
- By sending His one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.
- By loving one another.
- We will have confidence on the day of judgment.
- It makes us liars. If we don't love someone whom we've seen, how can we say we love God if we've never seen Him?
In 1 John 5, John discusses faith in Jesus Christ, loving God, and surmounting (overcoming) the world (vv. 1-5). Then he comments on God's witness (testimony) that provides assurance regarding eternal life in Jesus Christ (vv. 6-13). He finally concludes with a discourse on prayer (vv. 14-17), and the confidence found in one's knowledge of Him (vv. 18-21).
Objectives of this lesson:
- The vital importance of faith, love, and being obedient.
- The character of eternal life in one's current possession.
- The difference between sin that does not lead to death, and sin that does.
Before we start, let us pray: "Dear Lord, send the grace of your Holy Spirit to strengthen me that I may learn well the subject I am about to study. Amen."
- What are the main points of 1 John 5? - (vv. 1-5); (vv. 6-13); (vv. 14-17); (vv. 18-21)
- To be born of God, what must we do? - (v. 1)
- How can we be certain that we the love the children of God? - (v. 2)
- How can one defeat (overcome) the world? - (vv. 4-5)
- What three things gave evidence toward Jesus Christ? (vv. 6-8)
- What does one receive in return for their belief in the Son of God? - (v. 10)
- What has God given us? Who has this? - (vv. 11-12)
- Why did John mention these things in his epistle? (v. 13)
- What confidence do we have in prayer? - (vv. 14-15)
- What is described as the true God and eternal life? - (v. 20)
Thank you again for joining me, and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Video Lesson Clip: Does Your Life Look New in Christ? | Beth Moore
Monday, January 20, 2025
Walking By Faith | God's Transformational Power
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Weekend Message: Q&A With Beth Moore | Colorado Springs
Welcome to the Weekend Message!
As always, it's my pleasure to bring you quality presentations from some of the best Christian teachers in the world! Each video presentation can vary, but whatever the topic, you can be certain that it will be informative and Bible-based.
- What is Beth’s favorite Bible translation?
- Cremation versus burial: Are they both Biblical?
- How can I have faith in what God has called me to do?
- How can I encourage the younger generation to grow in the faith?
- How can I learn to pray and make it more central to everyday life?
- What would Beth bring to my potluck?
- When is a time when God has felt far away for Beth, and how to overcome it?
- Why is it important to speak the name of Jesus out loud?
- How can I know that my prodigal children are secure in Christ?
Friday, January 17, 2025
Whistle-Stop Scripture Study: 1 John 4
I'm so pleased to see you again as we pick up our Bible study of The First Epistle of John or 1 John. We've now reached the final two chapters in 1 John, including our current study 1 John 4.
You've probably heard that old saying, "Don't believe everything you hear." There's good reason for this valid, time-honored advice, especially in matters related to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
There have always been unscrupulous characters actively seeking to push their false teachings on believers. This presented a big problem for John, too. In 1 John 4, he warns the readers not to blindly accept all spiritual claims.
Believers should always "test the spirits" to see whether they are truly from God. This includes false prophets as well as false teachings. Along with this, he again teaches on the theme of loving each other as God loves us, as manifested in the sacrifice of His Son.
Now, before we continue, let's briefly revisit the questions given at the end of 1 John 3. The answers provided are not meant to be regarded as exact, nor as the final word. They have been provided as a comparison and self-evaluation tool only!
Compare your answers below*:
#1. What are the main points of 1 John 3?:
- That we should live as children of God.
- That we should love each other.
#2. What should inspire us to live chaste, decent lives?
- The hope that when Christ is revealed, we shall be like Him.
#3. How is sin defined by John?
- Sin is lawlessness.
#4. What is a valid description of one who abides (dwells, endures) in Jesus? Of one who is born of God?
- They do not continue on sinning.
- They do not make a habit of sinning.
- They cannot continue sinning.
#5. What sets apart children of God from children of the devil?
- The child of God demonstrates righteousness and loves their brethren.
#6. What serves as proof that we have passed from death to life?
- Our love for each other.
#7. How can we recognize true love? How can we demonstrate this in our own lives?
- By the example that Jesus left us; sacrificially, in both action and truth .
#8. How can we be assured and confident in that we are of the truth?
- By loving each other, having faith in Him, and keeping His commandments.
- By keeping His commandments, and through the Spirit he gave us.
*verses for the questions were provided in the previous lesson.
In our current study of 1 John 4, John warns his readers not to believe everyone who proclaims that they are led by the Spirit. Instead, they should test them (vv. 1-6). Subsequently, he encourages them to exhibit brotherly love in keeping with the nature and example of God' love as displayed in the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ (vv. 7-21).
Objectives of this lesson:
- How to distinguish the spirit of truth from the false.
- How the love of God should influence our love for each other.
Before we begin, let us pray: "Dear Lord, send the grace of your Holy Spirit to strengthen me that I may learn well the subject I am about to study. Amen."
- What are the main points of 1 John 4? - (vv. 1-6); (vv. 7-21)
- Why shouldn't we believe every spirit?. - (v. 1)
- How can one recognize the Spirit of God? - (v. 2)
- What did John remark about the coming of the Antichrist? - (v. 3)
- What did John write about their ability to overcome? (v. 4)
- How can one tell the difference between the spirit of truth and the false? - (v. 6)
- Why should we love each other? - (vv. 7-8)
- How did God show his love for us? (vv. 9-10)
- How can we make sure that God will abide or dwell in us? - (vv. 12-16)
- What do we receive as a result of loving each other as we should? - (vv. 17-18)
- If we say that we love God, but hate our brother or sister, what does that make us? Why? (v. 20)
Thank you for joining me, and I look forward to seeing you again soon!
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Seek His Direction
So many of us live our lives by relying on faulty human wisdom to make life decisions. And when this fails to produce desirable results, we are left sullen and even angered.
Friends, family, co-workers, even the cashier at the local market may provide guidance that is well-meaning. While their intentions may be sincere, this is not the life-changing guidance we truly seek and need in our lives.
"What can one do..?" It is fundamentally important for the believing Christian to rely on the wisdom of God, rather than flawed human understanding. Seeking God's direction is the dedicated practice of looking for God's guidance and wisdom.
The application of seeking God's direction is based on the belief that only the Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent God possesses absolute knowledge and discernment; including of the past, present and future.
Thus, its indispensability is unquestionable when making life-decisions and choices. Numerous citations of this are given in Scripture. For example, James 1:5 prompts believers to request wisdom from God.
David frequently asked of God prior to making a decision, as in 1 Samuel 23:2. And, in Acts 16:6-10 we see how God, through divine guidance, directs the apostle Paul and his companions in their missionary travels.
Thankfully, there are different methods that we can use when seeking God's direction in our lives. An obvious way is through prayer; as this is the primary means by which we can communicate our desires, and seek God's will (Philippians 4:6-7).
The Bible also provides an important source of His guidance within its pages (Psalm 119:105). A vital role in guiding believers is offered by the Holy Spirit (John 16:13). Insightful recommendation may also be found through mature, godly believers (Proverbs 11:14).
Finally, there are instances where God makes use of circumstances or "open doors" to show the way toward opportunities He provides for us (Revelation 3:8). I cannot stress enough, however, the importance of being patient and open to His direction, even if we might disagree with it.
I'd like to include a helpful piece of advice here. One must also be diligent to test any supposed guidance against Scripture. This is crucial in order to make certain that it agrees with God's revealed will.
As we have seen, seeking God's direction in our lives is essential. Its use is based on trust and confidence in His wisdom and supremacy. By practicing some of the methods mentioned above we can determine His will; allowing us to make decisions that bring him praise and honor.
Scripture: Job 29:21; Proverbs 16:9; Isaiah 11:2; Matthew 7:7-8; Romans 12:2
Prayer: Dear Lord, I pray for your guidance and wisdom in all aspects of my life. May no decision be made without first seeking your counsel; and receiving your blessing. Amen.
In grace and peace always,
Monday, January 13, 2025
A Steadfast Faith Amid Life's Trials
One of the hardest things for us to accept is hardship or trials in life. When the water is calm and sailing is smooth, there is no problem. But sooner or later, the water will become choppy and our way is tossed and set into turmoil.
Such is life. Most can easily maneuver the clear paths without effort or difficulty. The appearance of trials that put us to the test, however, will either make or break us depending on how we handle them.
No one is immune from trials in life. They present themselves in different manners, at random times, and in varying intensities. We should be aware that they will arrive at some point in time, but are you prepared to face them when they do?
A hallmark theme in the Christian life is a steadfast faith during times of trial. This includes maintaining firmness of purpose and keeping our hearts and minds centered upon Jesus Christ at all times.
We can find many examples and lessons supporting what I've just mentioned in the Bible. These serve to demonstrate the importance of maintaining our faith and trust in Him no matter what challenges and adversity one might face.
Let's examine a few instances here today. When we think of someone being overrun with trials Job would probably be the first person to come to mind! Even so, despite losing everything and then some. he never turned against God (Job 3:15).
In fact, Job's faith is used as a powerful illustration to show what trusting God's sovereignty and righteousness should look like in the time of upheaval in life. Another powerful individual who stood strong in faith is Joseph.
Despite being sold into slavery by his own brothers and enduring imprisonment, he remained faithful to God. His good character and trust in God's plan for him symbolizes how God can use trials and tribulations for His greater intentions (Genesis 5:20).
Finally, the Apostle Paul met with a great many calamities, including being jailed, beatings, and surviving a shipwreck. Still, he stood firm in faith and continued on his mission of spreading the gospel.
The letters he left embolden believers to rejoice in suffering, knowing that it generates character and perseverance (Romans 5:3-4). I could continue with many more, but these individuals get the point across quite satisfactorily.
In order for the Christian believer to grow and mature in faith, it must be put to the test on occasion. His plan for you, however, is different than his plan for me. God never does this without having a greater plan in mind (Jeremiah 29:11).
Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887) once said, "We are always on the anvil; by trials God is shaping us for higher things." Trials are a part of life. They measure our faith in God, and expose its weaknesses. Let God do his work in you, as only He can!
Scripture: Psalm 34:19; 2 Corinthians 4:17; James 1:4; Hebrews 12:11; Revelation 3:10
Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, and be constant in prayer. Amen.
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Weekend Message: Alexandra Hoover & Jess Connolly | Are You Pursuing God's Purpose for Your Life? | Better Together on TBN
Welcome to the Weekend Message!
As always, it's my pleasure to bring you quality presentations from some of the best Christian teachers in the world! Each video presentation can vary, but whatever the topic, you can be certain that it will be informative and Bible-based.
You're invited to take part in the conversation as Sheila Walsh, Faith Eury Cho, and Jeanne Stevens join Alexandra Hoover and Jess Connolly to discover why the events that we may view as detours are still all part of God's perfect plan for our lives.
Friday, January 10, 2025
Whistle-Stop Scripture Study: 1 John 3
Thank you for joining me once again as we continue our Bible study of The First Epistle of John or 1 John. I hope that you had a joyous holiday season spent with friends and loved ones! Now, we find ourselves examining 1 John 3.
The human race has always struggled with the concept of loving one another. We talk about it much, even make attempts at it here and there, but it all inevitably falls apart. What are we doing wrong?
1 John 3 offers helpful insight into this as it continues the discussion of the importance of being a child of God and living suitably, as such. A major implication of being a child of God is also stressed here; that we are to love one another.
Before we go forward, let's briefly revisit the questions given at the end of 1 John 2. The answers provided are not meant to be regarded as exact, nor as the final word. They are provided only as a comparison and self-evaluation tool.
Compare your answers below*:
#1. What are the main points of 1 John 2?:
- That He is Our Advocate and how we come to know Him.
- We are given an new commandment.
- The believers spiritual state.
- Love only The Father and not the world.
- Allow truth to dwell in you, and you in Christ
#2. How can Jesus help us when we have sinned? He is both Our Advocate and our propitiation for sins.
#3. Name two proofs showing that we know Jesus, and live in a close relationship with Him.
- By keeping His commandments, and living as He did.
#4. Name one commandment that is both "old" and "new."
- Loving our brother or sister.
#5. Make a list of the three groups of people of whom John describes their spiritual state (vv. 12-14).
- Children: sins are forgiven because they have known the Father.
- Fathers: having known Him (Jesus) who is from the beginning.
- Young men: their strength has helped them overcome the evil one.
#6. John lists three worldly things which we should not love. What are they?
- Lust of the flesh.
- Lust of the eyes.
- The pride of life.
#7. What does John tell us about antichrist in?
- There will be more than one (many).
- Whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ; and denies the Father and the Son.
#8. How can we be certain that we will abide (dwell, endure) in both the Son, and the Father?
- by persisting in the truth that was spoken from the beginning, believing what he promised us, and practicing righteousness.
*verses for the questions were provided in the previous lesson.
In our current study of 1 John 3, John recounts God's love for us, and how hope and trust as His children should serve to inspire us. When we are familiar with sin, righteous living should be expected. Christ came to defeat sin; thus, only one truly born of God will not continue in it.
It is important to remember that true righteousness involves loving each other as Christ loved us. Likewise, we gain confidence and assurance that we are living a life that is fully immersed in his presence, and truthful in every way.
In order to truly appreciate Him, we must obey His commandments (vv. 1-6), and love each other (vv. 7-11). Giving an account of the spiritual state of his original readers (vv. 12-14), John warns against loving the world and being mislead by antichrists (vv. 15-23); and allowing truth to dwell in them, and they in Jesus Christ (vv. 24-29).
Objectives of this lesson:
- The love God has for us, and our love for others, sin defined;
- Our love for others, sin defined and the meaning of "does not sin" (vv. 6,9);
- The impact of love and how it factors into the assurance of our salvation.
Now let us pray before we begin: "Dear Lord, send the grace of your Holy Spirit to strengthen me that I may learn well the subject I am about to study. Amen."
- What are the main points of 1 John 3? - (vv. 1-9); (vv. 10-24)
- What should inspire us to live chaste, decent lives?. - (vv. 2-3)
- How is sin defined by John? - (v. 4)
- What is a valid description of one who abides (dwells, endures) in Jesus? Of one who is born of God - (vv. 6, 9)
- What sets apart children of God from children of the devil? (v. 10)
- What serves as proof that we have passed from death to life? - (v. 14)
- How can we recognize true love? How can we demonstrate this in our own lives? (vv. 16-18)
- How can we be assured and confident in that we are of the truth? - (vv. 19-20)
- How can we know that God dwells in us, and we in Him? - (v. 24)
Thank you for joining me, and I look forward to seeing you again soon!
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Our Faith is Revealed Through Our Patience
As I converse with different people one topic inevitably pops up. It appears that "patience," or a lack thereof, is something that stands out. And though there may be other things on our minds, patience is something we can all relate to.
Sarai, a prominent figure in the biblical story, discovered that a lack of a little patience can cause big problems. She is familiar as the wife of Abram (later Abraham) and is key to the advancement of God's covenant with her husband, Abraham.
Her story is interwoven with matters of faith, promise, human fragility (Genesis 16). However, it's her impatience, and eventual plan to fulfill God's promise of having a family by her own means instead of waiting, that is considered a significant point in Scripture.
We must always be mindful that patience doesn't happen overnight. God's power and goodness are vital to the development of patience. "Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming..." (James 5:7)
Through Sarai's life we are shown the importance of faith and patience in our own lives as believers. Her mistakes aside, she is ultimately recalled as woman of faith, in whom God later completes His promise through the miraculous birth of Isaac.
My intention here is not to dive into a deep study of Genesis, but rather to bring attention to the dangers of relying on our own wisdom instead of placing our trust in God's timing and steadfast loyalty (Psalm 27:14)
Let Sarai's story of impatience serve as a good reminder of the sovereignty of God and His assurance of the fulfillment of His promises. In the end, God's grace is demonstrated to us by remaining faithful to His covenant through all of our human weaknesses, flaws, and mistakes.
Scripture: Psalm 37:7; Romans 8:25; Philippians 4:6; 2 Peter 3:9; Hebrews 10:36
Prayer: Lord, grant me strength and courage in patience through whatever difficulties, challenges, or setbacks I may encounter. Remind me that everything has its own time and that your timing is always perfect. Amen.
Monday, January 6, 2025
Video Presentation | Maryl Milo |5 Toxic Habits I’m Letting Go of in 2025 (To Stay Christ-Centered)
Welcome to 2025!
As the Coffeehouse Bible Ministry begins its 15th year of serving the Lord, I thought it would be helpful to start with some motivational information. Many individuals seek new and beneficial ways to re-boot their lives at the start of a new year.
This special video presentation by Maryl DeMilo, a spiritual formation coach with a Masters degree from the Talbot School of Theology, has some great information that may help you to do just that.
© Maryl De Milo
In this video, Maryl shares 5 toxic habits that she is going to eliminate from her life in 2025 in order to remain Christ-centered, and live a fuller, more abundant life.
Let her show you how to shift negative patterns that can cause burnout, and inspire you to release that which hinders rather than serves you.
I've listed some links to resources that she mentions in her presentation below. Even if your life is in order and just the way you want it, I think you'll find some things that are worthwhile here!
Study mentioned in this video:
Recommended Books:
The 80/20 Principle:
The Gift of Being Yourself
Where Prayer Becomes Real:
The Way of the Heart:
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
New Year's Day Message 2025 | Life Is Short: Billy Graham - Make The Best Use Of Your Time
Once again we say good-bye to another year, and prepare to welcome a fresh, new start!. Traditionally, this time is one of reflection, contemplation, and anticipation. "What will the new year bring?" "What can I do differently in my life than I did last year?" are a few questions we may consider.