So many of us live our lives by relying on faulty human wisdom to make life decisions. And when this fails to produce desirable results, we are left sullen and even angered.
Friends, family, co-workers, even the cashier at the local market may provide guidance that is well-meaning. While their intentions may be sincere, this is not the life-changing guidance we truly seek and need in our lives.
"What can one do..?" It is fundamentally important for the believing Christian to rely on the wisdom of God, rather than flawed human understanding. Seeking God's direction is the dedicated practice of looking for God's guidance and wisdom.
The application of seeking God's direction is based on the belief that only the Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent God possesses absolute knowledge and discernment; including of the past, present and future.
Thus, its indispensability is unquestionable when making life-decisions and choices. Numerous citations of this are given in Scripture. For example, James 1:5 prompts believers to request wisdom from God.
David frequently asked of God prior to making a decision, as in 1 Samuel 23:2. And, in Acts 16:6-10 we see how God, through divine guidance, directs the apostle Paul and his companions in their missionary travels.
Thankfully, there are different methods that we can use when seeking God's direction in our lives. An obvious way is through prayer; as this is the primary means by which we can communicate our desires, and seek God's will (Philippians 4:6-7).
The Bible also provides an important source of His guidance within its pages (Psalm 119:105). A vital role in guiding believers is offered by the Holy Spirit (John 16:13). Insightful recommendation may also be found through mature, godly believers (Proverbs 11:14).
Finally, there are instances where God makes use of circumstances or "open doors" to show the way toward opportunities He provides for us (Revelation 3:8). I cannot stress enough, however, the importance of being patient and open to His direction, even if we might disagree with it.
I'd like to include a helpful piece of advice here. One must also be diligent to test any supposed guidance against Scripture. This is crucial in order to make certain that it agrees with God's revealed will.
As we have seen, seeking God's direction in our lives is essential. Its use is based on trust and confidence in His wisdom and supremacy. By practicing some of the methods mentioned above we can determine His will; allowing us to make decisions that bring him praise and honor.
Scripture: Job 29:21; Proverbs 16:9; Isaiah 11:2; Matthew 7:7-8; Romans 12:2
Prayer: Dear Lord, I pray for your guidance and wisdom in all aspects of my life. May no decision be made without first seeking your counsel; and receiving your blessing. Amen.
In grace and peace always,
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