I'm so happy to have you join me for a new study! Having finished our study of The First Epistle of John, we now move on to The Second Epistle, or letter, of John. This book has the distinction of being the shortest book in the Bible; just one chapter.
Although it is compact in size, we should not be fooled by its brevity. Thinking back to 1 John, the main focus there was on our fellowship with God. Here in this letter, 2 John, the focus is on two main topics. They are:
- to encourage brotherly love, and committing to the commandments of God.
- to caution against supporting and/or promoting false teachers.
Traditionally, the author of this book is thought to be the apostle John. The audience of 2 John is presumed to be one or more churches in Asia Minor, or what is modern-day Turkey.
John's name is not specifically mentioned, but rather the moniker "the elder" is used in reference to him instead (2 John 1:1); "elder" being a New Testament word for a pastoral role.
- Our faith, love and obedience as the children of God.
- The assurance of God's testimony.
- Confidence and kindness in prayer.
- Concluding remarks.
- We must believe that Jesus is the Christ
- When we love God and keep His commandments.
- By being born of God and believing that Jesus is the Son of God.
- Water (as in Jesus' baptism?), blood (as in Jesus' death?), and the Holy Spirit.
- The testimony in himself.
- He has given us eternal life; whoever has the Son
- So that we might know that we have eternal life, and continue to believe
- That if we ask anything according to His will, He will hear us.
- That we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true by being in his Son Jesus Christ.
In 2 John, "The Elder" welcomes the "elect lady and her children" (vv. 1-3), being elated upon hearing her children were walking in truth, with a request to love one another (vv. 4-6). He then forewarns of deceivers (antichrists) who do not acknowledge that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, telling her not to welcome those who do not share the doctrine of Christ into her home (vv. 7-11). With the hope of seeing her soon, he closes with greetings from the children of her elect sister (vv. 12-13).
Objectives of this lesson:
- the importance of walking in truth and love, and abiding in the doctrine of Christ.
- how to identify deceivers or antichrists; thus refusing to support any false teachers.
Before we start, let us pray: "Dear Lord, send the grace of your Holy Spirit to strengthen me that I may learn well the subject I am about to study. Amen."
- What are the main points of 2 John? - (vv. 1-3, 4-6, 7-11, 12-13 )
- What four phrases related to truth does John use in his greeting? - (vv. 1-3)
- What caused John to rejoice? What did he ask? - (v. 4)
- How is love defined by John? - (v. 6)
- Who does John describe as "a deceiver and an antichrist?" - (v. 7)
- Why did John advise we self-examine ourselves? - (v. 8)
- What happens if one sins and does not keep to the doctrine of Christ? - (v. 9)
- What phrase challenges the Oneness doctrine of the Godhead? - (v. 9)
- How should you respond to someone who does not follow the teaching of Christ? - (v.10)
Thank you again for joining me, and I look forward to seeing you soon!
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