"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Monday, October 14, 2013

Your Bible: The Inspired Word of God

Some seem to expect the Word of God to hit them like a jolt of adrenaline each time they read or study it. Although the "jolt" may hit us periodically, the benefits of the Word of God act more like vitamins. People who regularly take vitamins do so because of their long-term benefits, not because every time they swallow one of the pills, they feel new strength surging through their bodies.

They have developed a habit of consistently taking vitamins because they have been told that, in the long haul, vitamin supplements are going to have a beneficial effect on their physical health, resistance to disease and, general well-being The same is true of reading the Bible. At times it will have a sudden and intense impact on us. However, the real value lies in the cumulative effects that long-term exposure to God’s Word will bring to our lives.

We, as Christians, believe in the God of the Bible; the Christ of the Bible; the plan of salvation revealed in the Bible; and everything else written in the Bible. We hold up our Bibles and we say, “This book is the Word of God!  I believe it is true from cover to cover. It is without error and it is absolutely perfect.” I believe that too, but I fear that many do not know why they believe that. 

For certain, everything we believe either stands or falls on the accuracy of the Bible. Therefore, it is imperative that we know why we believe what we believe about the Bible. And that is precisely what I'd like to touch lightly upon today.

A good word that describes the Bible is the word “unique."  The dictionary defines the word “unique” as follows: a) only one: being the only one of its kind. b) better than others: superior to all others. c) unusual: different from others in a way that makes something worthy of note.  It is the only book of its kind in existence! Here are several features that point out its uniqueness.

  • The Bible was written over a period of 1,500 years
  • The Bible was written by over 40 different authors (Among them were kings, military leaders, peasants, philosophers, fishermen, tax collectors, poets, statesmen, musicians, scholars and shepherds.)
  • The Bible was written in many different places, at many different times and by people experiencing many different moods.
  • The Bible was written on three continents: Asia, Africa and Europe.
  • The Bible was written in three different languages: Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic.
  • The Bible is written with many different literary styles: Prose, poetry, historical narrative, romance, law, biography, parable, allegory and prophecy.
  • The Bible addresses hundreds of difficult issues without a single contradiction.
  • The Bible is a book of great diversity, yet, in spite of this, it unfolds a single continuous story, and it does so without ever contradicting itself.
  • The Bible has for its main character God Himself, made known through the person of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Yes, the Bible is a unique book!  But, this uniqueness was not accidental, it was purposeful. If God has given His Word, delivered by His very breath, then it stands to reason that the scripture He has given us is absolutely perfect.

We know what inspiration is and we can see the God’s fingerprints all over His Word. If we accept the Bible as the inspired Word of God, what does that teach us? What can we take away from such an examination? We are left with three precious truths that must never be taken for granted.

A.  The Bible Is Infallible - This word means that the Scriptures are incapable of failing!  Everything the Bible says is truth and all everything it promises will come to pass! The Scriptures are in every sense perfect and they are a perfect revelation of the mind of God to man!

B.  The Bible Is Inerrant - E.J. Young defines inerrancy this way, “By this word, we mean that the Scriptures possess the quality of freedom from all error. They are exempt from the liability to mistake, incapable of error. In all their teachings they are in perfect accord with the truth.” 

When people say that the Bible contains mistakes and errors, they are calling the very character of God into question! We are told that God simply cannot tell a lie, Hebrews 6:18. If He claimed inspiration for His Word, then that Word must be inerrant. If it isn't then God lied when He claimed to have inspired the original text.

C.  The Bible Is Complete - When the Apostle John laid down his pen at the close of the book of Revelation, the revelation in the Scriptures was perfect and fully complete.  There has not been a single inspired word since that time and there never will be. God has finished His Scriptures and we hold in our hands the perfect and complete record of that revelation. 

If you lived 10,000 life times and read every book ever written and that would ever be written, you would never again encounter another book like the Bible.  In fact, you would never again encounter any other Scripture. The Bible is complete!

The final analysis is this: when you read your Bible, you are reading the very words of God!  You can base your faith upon it!  You can trust your eternity to it. You can embrace its message knowing that it reveals the very mind of God to man! It cannot fail! It cannot err! It will never be corrected, updated or amended!  It is complete and it is perfect!

I hope this message has served to help to further anchor your faith in the blessed Word of God. I thank Him for His perfect Word! I am thankful that this book has revealed the sin of my heart. I am also thankful that God illuminated my heart to allow me to see not only myself and my need, but also Jesus Christ, the solution to my problems.

Scripture: Genesis 18; 19; Luke 1-2; Matthew 28;  Isaiah 6:1-6; Daniel 7; 8; 10; Acts 16, 19; 2 Timothy 3:17; 2 Peter 1:20-21; Hebrews 1:1

Prayer: Lord our God, you are help, comfort, and life to us in everything we have to endure. We gather before you as poor, weak people, but you can make us rich and give us new life so that our lives prove we hold to your will and to the justice you bring on earth. May we be one in spirit through all we experience in our hearts, to the glory of your name. May the praise and thanks of many people ring out into all the world because you are help and deliverance from all evil. Amen

May God be with you always, 


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