"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Friday, February 27, 2015

Life's Storms Will Come...

"Sometimes the Lord calms the storm. Sometimes he lets the storm rage and calms his child."  - Unknown.

The storms of life are never very far away. They stand ready to pounce on us and rock our world; but not necessarily in a good way! Most of us have weathered our fair share of these storms, and have come through them better for the experience. Others, well...not so much.

In Matthew 12:22, the Lord's disciples find themselves in such a predicament. After being ordered by Jesus to cross the Sea of Galilee, they are suddenly caught smack-dab in the middle of a monster storm. No matter how hard they tried, they just couldn't seem to pull out of it.

Can you recall a time when you were caught up in tremendous storm? Of course, I'm not talking about a storm while crossing the Sea of Galilee, but  "life storms." As this particular storm raged, did it appear that you were trapped, with no way of ever getting out of it? Like I mentioned above, we all go through storms like that.

Though the storms of life aren't very enjoyable, they do give rise to certain benefits in our spiritual lives (Hebrews 12:11). Yes, there are some hidden blessings that we derive from these tumultuous episodes. What might these be? Allow me to point out a few for your consideration.

Storms of life are used by the Lord as a vehicle, if you will, to reveal Himself. He comes to us in the darkest days of our lives. Even the darkest hours of life can't hide us from Him. He's there even when we can't see Him.

Turning back to the disciples who were struggling against the raging storm (Mark 6:48), imagine how frightened they must have been. Their hopes of survival were fading fast. And, just when they thought it was all over, Jesus came, walking on the water! (Matthew 14:25)

I know there are times when, like the disciples, right in the middle of our storms, we think that we are done. However, let me call attention to something here. No matter what storm you might be facing in your life right now, Jesus is greater than it. In addition to this, He's in charge of your storms; all of them.

Things can start looking pretty bad rather quickly, I know. But, if you hang in there, stay strong and faithful, Jesus will show up, too. He might not keep you from going out into the storm, but He won't let you go through it alone, either.

There's a message here for us. If you will be patient, and wait for Him, He will show up right when You need Him the most. You see, by Jesus walking on the water in the middle of the storm, He was telling us that He is greater than any storm. The only thing to really fear is the storm, not Him. He's got it all under control.

I don't know what storms of life you might be facing, But, if you hand your troubles and problems over to Him, He will walk across the water to help calm the turbulent situation that you find yourself in. Remember, the storms of life serve to remind us Who really is in control. Our Heavenly Father is the Master of all storms!

Scripture: Psalm 107:29; Nahum 1:7; Philippians 4:19; Deuteronomy 31:6; 2 Corinthians 12:9

Prayer: Dear Lord, I put all my trust in Your mighty hands to help guide and support me through whatever trials I might encounter; knowing full well that You are in control at all times. Amen

May your day be blessed!


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