"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Thursday, February 5, 2015

On His Time, Not Ours!

Winston Churchill had nearly reached the height of political power in Britain early in his career; by the age of 33 he was a cabinet minister and one of the nation’s most popular speakers. Yet a series of events and unpopular positions caused Churchill to lose his political standing and become a subject of ridicule and rejection. By the early 1930s, he had been excluded from the seats of power.

Churchill’s prophetic warnings about Adolf Hitler were ignored by an English public that preferred to hear comforting worlds of peace. When Britain was plunged into World War II, Churchill was already 65 years of age, eligible to retire on a government pension. Yet that is the moment when the nation turned to him, and Churchill became the prime minister who inspired the British people to remain firm during her darkest day of the war.

Timing is very important. It makes a difference in many things like: cooking, sports, business, relationships, to name but a few. God's timing is very important, too. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we need His help right away. But, for whatever reason, it just doesn't happen for us.

"Did God not hear my prayers? Maybe I didn't pray hard, or often enough? Do you think God is mad at me? Why did God ignore me? Why is He so late in helping me?" These are but a few questions we might ask ourselves during a crisis, or when we're at a low point in our lives. Who hasn't felt this way at one time or another?

I have two words for you: be patient! As difficult, or agonizing as it might be for you...be patient! One of  the biggest, complaints heard from believers has to do with God's sense of timing: "Why is God so late?" And, you know what? You're right! Many times God is late. But, here's the thing; He may be frequently late, but He's always on time! I know this sounds contradictory, but it's true.

Scripture contains many examples of people who questioned God's timing. Abraham and Sarah thought God was too late. Job, Mary, and Martha thought He was too late, as well. If you go back and read their stories you will agree that God is obviously late. At least, He appeared to be so.

In our finite, human perception God is clearly late. But, that's the point of view that we are permitted to have. Look back on your own life. You'll probably see many times when God was late, or so you thought. Many of us struggle with this. However, His intentions are never to harm us in any way. God operates on His own schedule, runs His own timeline, and doesn't need our prior approval to do it!

He is in control at all times. That's right! He ultimately knows what's best for you and I. What appears to be a total disregard for our requests is a matter of timing for God. It's either a good time, or not. It's God's call, not ours! Instead of becoming impatient, or irritated with Him; have faith and be patient. Rest assured that His response is coming; but on His time, not ours.

Scripture: Isaiah 40:31; Romans 8:28; 2 Peter 3:8; Isaiah 55:8-9; Psalm 27:14

Prayer: Holy Father, I will wait patiently for You. I know that You will never forsake me; and that Your answer to my prayers will be just what I need; when You think I need it, not when I want it. Amen

God bless you!


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