"Science may prove the insignificance of this globe in the scale of creation, but it cannot prove the insignificance of man." -B. D’Israeli
Humanity, that's us ladies and gentlemen, is constantly striving to climb higher in order to accomplish our aspirations and ambitions. We are forever reaching out to our dreams and desires. As a result of this, we've developed philosophies and have organized governments with a view of achieving goals that are "out of this world."
We keep trying to be what we are meant to be. We persist in gaining glory and honor. We make a noble effort to bring everything under our control, leaving nothing out of our command. But in doing so, something happens. We forget about God, and begin acting like gods. We are continually seeking control militarily, politically, economically, physically, sexually, intellectually, and even religiously.
Yes, God made us in his own image, a little less than divine, "crowned him with glory and honor, putting everything in subjection under his feet (gave him mastery over everything). Now in in putting everything in subjection to him, he left nothing outside his control" (Hebrews 2:7-8).
The trouble, if you read on, is that "we do not yet see everything in subjection to him" (Hebrews 2:8). You see, God made man right, but man went wrong (Ephesians 4:22-24). God made Adam perfect, but Adam fell, and all since him are fallen. Sadly, as soon as we are old enough to begin making choices, we start making the wrong ones.
Scripture doesn't let us forget this fact, either. It's written there for any and all to see in Psalm 53:3; Isaiah 56:3; Isaiah 64:6; Romans 3:23; and 1 John 1:8, to point out a few examples. What's worse is that even after we become Christians this sinful nature is still there staring right at us in our faces (Romans 7:15-20).
Naturally, this brings up the question, "Why didn't God just make man so he couldn't sin?" If he had done this then we wouldn't be in the likeness of God with freedom (Genesis 1:27). Where would the glory and honor be if we were mere robots without choice? The cold, hard truth is that we were given freedom, but became slaves.
Even the most carefully laid foundations often crumble. That's what happened in our case. That's why we regularly struggle to reach reach our potential. If left to our own devices, we would be in deep trouble. Thankfully, we are not. Because of the saving grace and mercy of Jesus Christ, we don't have to labor through this alone.
You can keep muddling through the muck and mire of sin, but it's always one step forward and two steps back. There's just no way to do it alone. We need help. The only way we can ever truly be the persons we are meant to be is to let God take over the controls (Romans 8:9). Afterwards, you'll wonder why it took you so long to do so!
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 7:20; 2 Peter 3:9; Acts 4:12; Revelation 14:12; Romans 5:8;
Prayer: Holy Father, I pray for Your guidance and inspiration in my life. I am an unworthy sinner, who needs You to keep me on the righteous path away from sin and evil. Amen
Have a blessed weekend!
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