"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Monday, October 10, 2016

God's Promise of Forgiveness

"It's Satan's delight to tell me that once he's got me, he will keep me. But at that moment I can go back to God. And I know that if I confess my sins, God is faithful and just to forgive me."  - Alan Redpath

The love and appeal of the parables of Chirst is that they have to do with everyday life.  Each parable is a life lesson that offers sensible and sound advice to any who care to listen and reflect on it. One could say that an understanding of the parables is absolutely essential in acquiring insight to the kind of persons you and I should be.

I'd like to talk about one of the more popular topics of the parables: forgiveness. The word forgiveness is used sixty-two times in the Bible. Of these, twenty-two refer to our forgiving one another;  the other forty times  refer to God's forgiveness of us. There are a couple of good examples of this in Luke 7:41-43  (the parable of the two debtors), and Matthew 18:23-35 (the parable of the unmerciful servant).

Most would agree that forgiveness is never petty or trifling. It never says, "I'll forgive small debts, but not big ones." Real forgiveness grants pardons indiscriminately; whether the offense is major or minor. This applies to sinners, too. All are forgiven by the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ (Mark 3:28).

One may be a "great" or "big" sinner. Another may be a "moderate" or "average" sinner. Maybe you fall somewhere in between the two. The point is, we are sinners, and because of this fact we are spiritually destitute. Yet, Christ liberally grants forgiveness to one and all.

It's very crucial that we are conscious of sin. The need of our forgiveness has everything to do with the way in which we respond to it. Even so, many Christians fail to acknowledge that they are sinners. As a result, the failure to accept this prevents them from trusting Jesus Christ to forgive their sins (Luke 7:47).

Now, here comes the big question: "How can I receive forgiveness?" One must trust in God's goodness and be patient in his faithfulness to keep his promise to forgive and grant peace. We need to believe and keep on believing God's promises of forgiveness.

What does this mean for us? It means that no matter what happens, no matter what hurdle or stumbling block we face, and no matter how unfavorable or adverse our situation, or lot in life may be, we must remain strong in our belief!

And when you are comforted in the security that God is honest and will keep his promise of forgiveness, you too will hear Him say, "Go in peace" (Luke 7:50).

Scripture: Isaiah 55:7; Zechariah 1:3; John 15:12; Psalm 25:18; Ephesians 2:4-9

Prayer: Dear Lord, because of your merciful gift of forgiveness we don't have to be bound and shackled to it. Teach me also how to be as forgiving of others as You are to me. Amen

Have a blessed Monday!


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