"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Monday, November 28, 2016

There Are None Who Are Better Than Others...

"The greatest enemy to human souls is the self-righteous spirit which makes men look to themselves for salvation."  - Charles Spurgeon

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to "point" your finger at, or blame someone for something? Whether at home, work, or school, we've done this at one time or another, correct? It's a surprisingly easy thing to do. As much as we might hate to admit it (myself included), we've all been down this disparaging  road.

Honestly, there really isn't any aspect of life, society, or culture where it's hurtful and harmful effects haven't been exhibited in all its hypercritical glory, including the church. For centuries, the Jewish nation believed they had cornered the market on God. After all, they were his "chosen people," partakers in a covenant with God and the recipients of Mosaic Law, among other things.

This inevitably led some Jews to become self-righteous and condemning of those who did not measure up to their religious standards, which pretty much included everyone else outside of the Jewish nation. Upon the arrival of the Messiah (Jesus Christ), whom, by the way, was spoken of by the prophets, things did eventually change (Isaiah 53:3-7; Micah 5:2).

Frankly, the Jews were not very good at keeping to the rule of law anyway. Now, God never stopped loving them, but they were just as guilty of sin as anyone else; though they might have told you differently (Romans 11:29). When we look down on others who may look, act, think, or believe differently than we do; we are no better.

They like many of us, looked outwardly instead of inwardly. But God sees what is in our hearts. That's what is truly important to him. There is no one among us better than anyone else here on earth! No matter what perceptions or bold self-concept we may have, we're all sinners (Romans 3:11-12).

Look, following rules and regulations is great, but that alone won't save you. Don't kid yourself, only faith in, and obedience to God will do that for you (Ephesians 2:8-9).When it's all said and done, and we face God individually, we will be judged not by the rules of law, but by our actions and deeds (Galatians 2:16).

As I mentioned, each one of us is guilty of sin (Romans 3:23). That's what we're going to be held accountable for someday. We can't say that we didn't know, or plead ignorance (Matthew 7:23). Only true believers obey God and therefore receive salvation, our disobedience only brings condemnation.

Stop pointing your finger at others and take a look inside yourself. What do you see? Do you see a self-righteous and condemning heart, or an obedient, loving and forgiving heart? As you do this, remember that God already knows what the answer is!

Scripture: Isaiah 64:6; Mark 12:30; Galatians 5:19-21; Romans 10:3; 2 Timothy 1:7

Prayer: Holy Father, please lead me in your truth and teach me, because you are the God of my salvation. Amen

Have a blessed Monday!


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