"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Monday, March 5, 2018

Blessed With God's Wealth

"Material wealth is either a window through which we see God or a mirror in which we see ourselves."  - Warren Wiersbe

Who among us, while toiling away at work, hasn't on occasion entertained the thought of being wealthy? Visions of an early retirement, vacations, houses, cars, and other similar fantasies may fill our minds. We take a deep sigh (Sigh...) then get back to work.

It's no secret that those of us who are trying to make ends meet place a much higher personal priority on this than those who are affluent. But can having abundant possessions, especially material wealth, be a bad thing as some might think?

I suppose it is if this is our only concept of being well-off. However, there are other components we should factor into one's perception of true wealth. Naturally, material wealth, or money, is on the list.

Our reputation, or how others see us, is important, too. Then there is power, such as being in a position to decide and direct. And, possessing solid judgment or discernment which enables us to lead or command.

Any of the above may be considered a "good thing" if they are acquired by our own hard work and efforts. God recognizes this and blesses us accordingly. What's more, His blessings on us are greatly enhanced as a result of our faith and labor. After all, He is in control of all material wealth.

Okay, how does this all work out in the grand scheme of things? Some become rich without God's blessing. Sometimes the wicked one bestows riches to his subjects, when neither the giver nor the recipient acknowledge the sovereignty of God.

Conversely, God Himself can entrust riches to some who belong to Him. There is a crucial difference between the godly and the godless recipients of wealth that we must be aware of. It is God's blessing, or the absence of it. Those acquired with it are able to sleep at night.

While riches or wealth gained without God's blessing always have a price attached to it, such as: guilt, remorse, regret, grief, and troubles. God's blessing enables us to fully enjoy it without cost.

But far and away, the most important treasure we can obtain are His spiritual blessings, which make us abundantly wealthy in faith, grace, and glory. And that, as they say, you can take to the bank!

Scripture: Matthew 6:19-21; Hebrews 13:5; Proverbs 11:28; Luke 12:15; 1 John 2:16

Prayer: Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name, amen. - Psalm 86:11

Have a blessed Monday!


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