"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Loyalty and Devotion of Ruth

"To lose something in the will of God is to find something better."  - Jack Hyles

Members of a large church in New England were given a survey to find out who they thought were the ten greatest women in the Bible. Though there are many great women found there, the results were totally unexpected.

When the final count was released, Ruth came in first place and Eve last. Why was she rated No. 1? Was it due to the fact that she was the great-great-grandmother of David and ancestress of our Lord? Was it for her unusual loyalty to her mother-in-law, Naomi? Or, because of her good choice of God and his people?

There is no single factor that would entitle her to this position. But, if you look at the big picture, and take all of these factors into consideration, Ruth stands out as a truly, remarkable and godly woman. And in the library of inspired books, the Book of Ruth is a real treasure.

If you have read it, you'd agree that there is not one instance of cruelty or wickedness mentioned. No one is the victim of violence or vengeance. Instead, the book is filled with examples of courage, faith, virtue, love, sorrow, loyalty, and perseverance.

If you haven't read it, you really should. It is the story of two widows who are confronted with famine, prosperity, and separation in the exotic land of Moab. It also speaks of homesickness and Naomi's decision to return to her native land of Israel.

I suppose the reason that so many love this book is because it contains the most beautiful confession of human love in all literature. It also tells of a beautiful commitment to God by a pagan woman. Happily, in the end, Ruth is welcomed into the heritage of Israel and the lineage of Jesus.

There are a couple of things to glean from the Book of Ruth. We are enlightened to the fact that God has a plan for each of us. On every page we see the providence of God at work. We learn that when we faithfully place ourselves in God's hands, he will bring his plan for us into fulfillment.

Another outcome has to do with the power of human choice. Ruth chooses to follow Naomi and commit herself to Naomi's God. Once her mind was made up she never looked back. What a great tribute to Naomi for her to do so! It was Naomi's life and love for God that had recommended God to Ruth.

As was the case with Ruth, the time of decision comes to every one of us. We know quite well that making the right choice is never easy. Still, by trusting and faithfully committing ourselves to Christ with conviction and devotion, like Ruth did, we too can have a blessed and fulfilled life.

Scripture: Proverbs 16:3; Luke 23:46; Proverbs 21:21; 1 Corinthians 13:7; Hebrews 10:24

Prayer: Dear Lord, into Your hand I commit my spirit; for You have redeemed me, amen.

May Christ always guide you,


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