"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Thursday, May 31, 2018

What Is True Happiness?

"Indeed, man wishes to be happy even when he so lives as to make happiness impossible." - Augustine

Everyone wants to be happy, correct? Some may turn to material possessions, personal relationships, or achievements. Others may seek happiness in a bottle, a needle, or a pill. But, can true, meaningful, and lasting happiness really be found in any of these?

Is there something that we are overlooking or missing? Is there some fundamental principle or rule that determines success in achieving "real" happiness? And if so, what might it be? Today we will look for this elusive key to true happiness.

The Bible is an excellent resource when confronted with problems such as this. I found a key principle that can assure true happiness in the very first psalm in the Book of Psalms (Psalms 1). Notice that the very first word of the psalm is "Blessed." In Hebrew this word means "happiness."

To make this all easier to understand, let's divide the psalm into three parts. In the first section, we are presented a description of the blessedness of the righteous man or woman. Verses 1 and 2 describe his character, first from a a negative point of view, then from a positive one.

Psalm 1:1 (negative view) teaches us that there is value to be found in negative commands or statements. It's to our benefit if we appreciate the value of negative commands. They help keep us in line, and protect us from harm and suffering.

On further inspection, this verse may be understood as describing the path one follows into sin. First, following a crowd, then doing as they do (sinning), and finally reaching a point where even sinning is not enough; ridicule, contempt, and scorn are added to the repertoire.

Psalm 1:2 (positive view), as you might guess, is totally opposite of what we've just discussed. The righteous man finds the source of his joy and happiness in the Word of God. As such, he or she meditates on it diligently.

Psalm 1:3 brings to our attention his prosperity. In general, a life of piety or godliness may be blessed by prosperity. Keep in mind, though, that exceptions may occur for reasons known only God to God.

Nevertheless, the pious will obey God's direction for success in life, and be mindful of His warnings regarding wasting his or her life. Such is the character and prosperity of the righteous. He is genuinely happy and a blessing to others because he adheres to the Word of God.

Now, what about those who do not find pleasure in the Word of God, and do not obtain sustenance from it? The next two verses will provide us with the condition of the unrighteous.

Psalm 1:4 shows us that they are nothing like those who are righteous.They live futile lives which end in eternal separation from God. In addition, their lives contain no substantial value; they are to be blown away like chaff.

Psalm 1:5 foretells that their sorry condition ultimately ends badly. The Final Judgement appears to be under consideration. Conversely, in the last day the righteous shall be gathered to receive there reward, then assembled together in heaven. As for the sinner..? Not so much!

Psalm 1 concludes with a final contrast between the two ways we've just examined. In the first part of Psalm 1:6 we are told that the Lord knows the way of the righteous. He is interested in, and cares about him or her.

The second part of Psalm 1:6 tells describes the fate of the ungodly. The way of the ungodly person shall perish, he or she leans toward destruction, their path becoming less and less defined until it disappears altogether.

Which direction do you want to follow? Whose advise or guidance would you rather seek? There are really only two choices: that found in God's word, or that which is provided by the ungodly. If it is true happiness you seek, let the Lord direct you, let His word be your guide.

Scripture: 1 Peter 4:13; Ecclesiastes 3:12; Philippians 4:4; Psalm 37:4; Philippians 4:7; 

Prayer: Dear Lord, may I receive this day as much respect, encouragement, and building up
as I give to others today, amen.

May God bless you,


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