"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Friday, May 11, 2018

We Glorify God by Sharing Our Faith

"The Lord is glorified when great things are done through us."  - Crystal McDowell

I would not be out of line to say that we live during times in which the most sacred beliefs are called into question. But thankfully, there are many who seriously and actively pursue the truth.

For the reasons given above, it's important, on one hand, to be able to reply to the objections of those who would like nothing better than to throw a monkey wrench into our faith.

On the other hand, we must prepare ourselves to guide and teach those who are truly seeking the truth. It is crucial that we are always prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks us to give the reason for the hope that we have (1 Peter 3:15).

Therefore, it would be very helpful to the believer to keep in mind, at all times, that Christianity is based on facts that are capable of being made manifest to the mind that is, both, open and receptive to the truth.

The existence of God, the birth of Christ, His death, and resurrection, are samples of the remarkable facts on which our holy religion rests; proofs of which are amply enough to satisfy all reasonable questions.

The work of grace in one's heart is no less a fact than the granting of salvation through the death and resurrection of Christ. Thus, every Christian should be able to not only testify to others about the facts of Christianity, but also on his own conversion.

This, of course, is not only to demonstrate that Christianity is from God, but that he has accepted Christ as his only hope of salvation. God has made a revelation of His will to sinners, teaching them what they are to believe concerning Him and what duty He requires of them (Acts 16:31; 1 Peter 1:13–16).

This revelation is clear, full and sufficient. Nothing needs to be added to it and nothing should be removed from it. The Christian should know and be able to declare the facts upon which this revelation is received from God.

He should be familiar with the essence or meaning of this revelation as here are found all of the doctrines he is to believe, the worship he should practice, and the form of government under which he should follow and and live in the Church.

He should seek this knowledge and be prepared to give a reason for the faith and hope in his own mind and heart. He should be able to affirm all of the essential teachings of Christianity, and to provide to anyone the basis for his acceptance of Christianity and its teachings.

The Christian should also be glad to share with others the blessed hope that is set before him in the gospel and accepted into his own soul. It is true, however, that one may be a Christian without being able to give a clear and coherent statement of the Christian faith.

There, too, may be others among the followers of Christ who aren't able to give a satisfactory statement of their faith. Still, it's the duty and privilege of every Christian to be able to give some reason for the hope that is in him.

And though it may not be essential to his salvation to be able to give an explicit outline of all of these topics, it is still essential to his comfort, protection, and value in the Christian life. While this may all sound overwhelming, and even impossible, it really isn't.

You'll find that the more you study the Bible and the better you know and love Christ, the more you will discover and rejoice in the unity of the Church of God which embraces all who love and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation.

Scripture: Mark 16:15; Matthew 5:16; Romans 10:17; 2 Timothy 2:15; Romans 15:13

Prayer: Dear Lord, I ask for the power of your Spirit in my life each day, so that I may live more fully in your presence, amen.

May the Lord bless,


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