"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Monday, June 3, 2024

God, Please Show Me the Way

The fundamental mode whereby our rational Creator guides his rational creatures is by rational understanding and application of his written Word.”  - J. I. Packer

Few would argue that there's a lot going on in the world today. One could also make the case that there are many looking for some thing, or some cause to latch on to. And they do so without performing any due diligence.

Humans, for all the wonderful things that we may be, are naturally ignorant and rebellious. As such, these qualities can get us into a lot of trouble if we aren’t vigilant. Thus, we can easily be led astray by amoral ideals, others, or both.

We require guidance to clear life’s pathway ahead of us. It must be tough, but patient; strong, but caring; permissive, but wise; strict, yet loving. Good luck finding anyone unfailingly capable of delivering on these in our temporal world.

Because of our nature, as stated earlier, the righteous way to live is not within us. The only way to correct this is through Him (Jeremiah 10:23). God is the only true source of guidance. He alone checks all of the boxes listed above and more.

Moreover, by ourselves we sorely lack awareness of the right way in life. Like a sailboat without a sail in the middle of the ocean, we are basically dead in the water; totally at the mercy of whatever comes along (Isaiah 59:10).

Living life without God's guidance leaves us susceptible to danger and uncertainty; especially false guidance. There are false prophets and teachers who love nothing more than to lead the naïve astray (Isaiah 9:16; 2 Peter 2:1-3). 

Unfortunately, false shepherds and guides also abound everywhere, ready to take advantage of the foolhardy and imprudent (Jeremiah 50:6; Acts 20:30). Idols and mediums, too, take their toll on the desperate and cynical (Zechariah 10:2).

These are by no means all of the possible perils of not seeking the honest and trustworthy guidance of God. There is, however, a proper order to follow. We must first seek God before seeking his guidance.

Let me explain this. By seeking God first, we are focusing on him and not ourselves. Remembering our natural tendencies, it's too easy for us to become the center of attention, thereby making it all about "me" instead of "Him." 

God is always ready and willing to provide His help and guidance if we seek it. Following the protocol mentioned, the easiest way to open the lines of communication is through prayer and by reading the Scriptures (Revelation 1:3; Jeremiah 33:3).

I know it's not easy living in this chaotic world of ours, but only the ill-advised would do so without help. After all, "He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way." (Psalm 25:9) So what are you waiting for..!? 

Scripture: James 1:5; Psalm 32:8; Isaiah 30:21; Isaiah 58:11; 1 John 4:1

Prayer: "Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me."  - Psalm 31:3

God bless you!


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