"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Saturday, June 29, 2024

See You in September 2024!

Nothing can calm our souls more or better prepare us for life’s challenges than time spent alone with God.”  - Billy Graham

As has been our tradition every summer since the beginning, The Coffeehouse Bible Ministry will now be taking its annual summer hiatus.

Though the blog itself will temporarily be on hold, the task of spreading and teaching the Word of God never stops. We continue on with His important work within our own local churches, groups, and organizations during the interim.

As always, it has been an honor and blessing to share the Word with all of you during the past year. I pray that our messages have provided you with encouragement, education, and comfort when needed.

First and foremost, we thank Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior for the opportunity to serve him in this capacity. I also want to thank all of the wonderful people in our ministry who work tirelessly both upfront, and behind the scenes. And, of course, thank you for your fellowship during this past year!

Finally, our blog archives are always available (as is The Daily Bible Podcast) to use as the Spirit moves you. The Coffeehouse Bible Ministry blog will return in September 2024.

On behalf of The Coffeehouse Bible Ministry we wish you a safe, healthy, and richly blessed summer season!

May God always be with you,


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