"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Let's Persevere In Our Hope

G.K. Chesterton described hope this way: "Hope means hoping when things are hopeless, or it is no virtue at all...As long as matters are really hopeful, hope is mere flattery or platitude; it is only when everything is hopeless that hope begins to be a strength." In other words, hope really doesn't mean anything until it is all you have left; there is nothing else but hope.

Elpis, the Greek word for 'hope' means "a confident desire and expectation." It is closely aligned with the word 'faith'(He 11:1). In 1 Timothy 1:1, Paul refers to Jesus as "our hope". This is a very unique title given to Jesus. In fact, nowhere else is Jesus described this way except in Colossians 1:27.

Even so, it came to be a precious title used by some in the early church. For example, "Be of good cheer in God the Father and in Jesus Christ our common hope" - The Epistle of Ignatius to The Ephesians, Chapter 21; "Let us therefore persevere in our hope and the earnest of our righteousness, who is Jesus Christ." - The Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp and the Ephesians, Chapter 8.

One might ask, "In what way is Jesus 'our hope', our basis for 'confident expectation'? One could answer, "Jesus is 'our hope'...

-For forgiveness of sins. You see, man has a problem with sin. All have sinned (Romans 3:23; 1 John 1:8,10). The consequences of sin are grave (Romans 6:23). People deal with this guilt of sin differently. Some try to ignore it; others seek to compensate for it by doing good works and; many look to different 'saviors' or teachers (the Law, Buddha, Mohamed, Mary), to name just a few.

-For reconciliation with God. Man has a longing for fellowship with God. It is something put in man by His Creator (Acts 17:26-28). Many seek to fulfill this longing with the wrong things, such as trying to satisfy it with material things. But such things only leave an emptiness (Ecclesiastes 5:10). Many seek to fulfill this longing in the wrong way; such as on their own or through some man or man-made religion. In the end, they are once again left feeling unfulfilled.

-For provision in daily living. People often worry about the necessities of of life, and rightly so. They worry about their food and clothing. They desire basic contentment, with true joy and peace. Jesus acknowledged this common concern among men (Mattew 6:31-32). The Bible reassures us that Jesus is our only 'Hope'. His Father knows our needs (Mt 6:32). Jesus provides the secret to God's care (Matthew 6:33; Mark 10:28-30). He also is the source to true joy and peace (Philippians 4:4,6-7). In Him there is contentment, knowing that God will supply our needs (Philippians 4:11-12,19).

Lastly, Jesus is our hope for victory over death. Let's face it, the fear of death is common to all mankind. People try to avoid it, or delay it; some try to ignore it, even refusing to speak of the dead. But we can't escape it; no matter what we try to do. My dear friends, JESUS IS OUR ONLY HOPE! He came to deliver us from the fear of death (Hebrews 2:14-15). He did this by His own resurrection, and continues to do through the promise of His coming again (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).

Hopefully, you have seen that Jesus is many things to those who love Him; let's make sure that He is 'our hope'! Why not let Jesus become your 'hope' today?

Scripture: Romans 5:5; 1 Peter 1:21; Hebrews 7:19; Ephesians 4:4; Titus 1:2; 1 Corinthians 13:13; Colossians 1:5; Job 17:15; Romans 15:13.

Let's Pray:

O my God, relying on your infinite goodness and promises, I hope to obtain pardon of my sins, the help of your grace, and life everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, Amen.

May God bless you,


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