"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What Is God’s Will For You...?

Be slow to take new steps in the Lord's service, or in your business, or in your families. Weigh everything well; weigh all in the light of the Holy Scriptures, and in the fear of God.

Seek to have no will of your own, in order to ascertain the mind of God, regarding any steps you propose to take; so that you can honestly say, you are willing to do the will of God, if He will only please to instruct you.

But when you have found out what the will of God is, seek for His help, and seek it earnestly, perseveringly, patiently, believingly, and expectantly: and you will surely, in His own time and way, obtain it. -Selected

What is God’s will for you...? Of course, if you are not saved, the answer is rather obvious. But if you are saved, what is God’s will for you in your life? Sometimes the Scriptures are quite clear, as in passages like...1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; 1 Thessalonians 4:3; 1 Peter 2:15.

However, keep in mind that passages like these do not exhaust what is God’s will. Now, let's discuss, "What is God's will for you?" Starting with 1 Thessalonians 5:16, we learn that... GOD WANTS YOU TO REJOICE ALWAYS!

He wants you to rejoice in life. God wants you:

1. To rejoice in your youth (Ecclesiastes 11:9)
2. To rejoice in your work (Ecclesiastes 2:24; 3:12-13,22; 5:18-20)
3. To rejoice in life and wife (Ecclesiastes 9:7-9; 11:8)
4. To rejoice in the things God has given us (1 Timothy 6:17)

Of course, included along with these, we are to rejoice responsibly (1 Timothy 6:18-19; Ecclesiastes 12:1).

He wants you to rejoice in salvation. God wants you:

1. To rejoice knowing that you are saved (Luke 10:20)
2. To rejoice as a kingdom quality (Romans 14:17)
3. To rejoice as fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22)

It is clearly the will of God that you rejoice always! Now, let’s consider why you need to rejoice always...

You need to rejoice always FOR PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL STRENGTH! Why? Because...

1. Anxiety weighs one down (Proverbs 12:25)
2. A glad heart raises the spirit (Proverbs 15:13,15)
3. A joyful heart is like good medicine (Proverbs 17:22)

You need to rejoice always FOR SPIRITUAL STRENGTH! Why? Because...

1. In the joy of the Lord there is great strength (cf. Nehemiah 8:10)
2. When we have joy in what we believe, we abound in hope (cf. Romans 15:13)
3. When we are joyful, it helps those around us to be joyful (e.g., 2 Corinthians 2:3)

Our Creator understands the importance of a joyful spirit for both body and soul. Since He wants you to rejoice always, here are a few thoughts on HOW YOU CAN REJOICE ALWAYS.

It is in the Lord that one finds the ability to "rejoice always" (cf. Philippians 4:4). His salvation is the source of much joy (cf. Psalm 21:1). He grants joy to those who please Him (Ecclesiastes 2:26; 5:20). His mercy is a source of great joy (Psalm 31:7). In His presence there is fullness of joy, and He will abide with us if we obey His commands (Psalm 16:11; cf. John 14:21,23).

If I may, I'd like to add some important suggestions.

1. Read and feed upon the Word of God daily (cf. Psalm 1:1-3; Jeremiah 15:16)
2. Meditate upon the teachings of Christ and His apostles. Jesus spoke that His disciples joy might be full (John 15:11). The apostles wrote that our joy might be full (1 John 1:4).
3. Sing praises of joy to God. Certainly we should sing when cheerful (James 5:13). But we can also find joy by singing praises (Psalm 71:23; 104:33-34; 135:3).
4. Spend time with brethren who make us happy. As Titus’ joy encouraged Paul (2 Corinthians 7:13) and as Philemon’s love and joy refreshed the hearts of others and gave Paul joy (Philemon 1:7).
5. Lead others to Christ, for they will be a great source of joy (1 Thessalonians 2:19-20; 3:9; Philemon 1:7; 3 John 1:4).

So, in closing, what is the will of God for you...?

a. Rejoice always!
b. Rejoice in the Lord always!
c. Rejoice in the blessings He has given you!
d. Rejoice in both the physical and spiritual blessings of life!

This doesn't mean we will never suffer hardship; but if it is in service to God, there can be great joy! (cf. Matthew 5:10-12). And, there can be inexpressible joy, as well! (cf. 1 Peter 1:6-9).

Even if the hardships we experience are due to the uncertainties of life, we can rejoice that we serve a God who offers comfort and hope to endure every trial!

O Lord, I give myself to Thee, I trust Thee wholly. Thou art wiser than I – more loving to me than I myself. Deign to fulfil Thy high purposes in me whatever they be – work in and through me. I am born to serve Thee, to be Thine, to be Thy instrument. Let me be Thy blind instrument. I ask not to see – I ask not to know – I ask simply to be used. Amen.
-John Henry Newman

Have a blessed day!


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