Back in 1918, a boy named Howard Loomis was abandoned by his mother at Father Flanagan’s Home for Boys, which had just opened a year earlier. Howard had polio and wore heavy leg braces. Walking was very difficult for him, especially when he had to go up or down steps.
Soon, several of the Home’s older boys were carrying Howard up and down the stairs. One day, Father Flanagan asked Reuben Granger, one of those older boys, if carrying Howard was hard. Reuben replied, “He ain’t heavy, Father… he’s m’ brother." That iconic phrase has symbolized the spirit of Boys Town for decades. -"Boys Town - Saving Children, Healing Families | Blog | The Story Behind He Aint Heavy." Boys Town.
Brotherly kindness and love shouldn't only be reserved for special occasions like a rare wine. Nor should it be used sparingly like an expensive perfume. No, it's something to be shared generously, and often!
We get brotherly kindness and love from the Greek word “philadelphia,” which means kindness or friendship. The Bible explains that we must learn to show brotherly kindness toward others (1 Thessalonians 4:9).
The apostle Paul communicates in Hebrews 13 what is necessary to have brotherly kindness. You could say that its a lifestyle; or better yet, a Christian way of life (Hebrews 13:1). God wants us to treat everyone with brotherly kindness and love without exception. This incorporates both Christians (brethren) and non-Christians alike.
The God-given concept of brotherly kindness and love is a distinct human quality. Unfortunately, it is sometimes forgotten, or overlooked. Nevertheless, God has provided a user's manual (the Bible) with all of the instructions we need.
But, one must to do more than simply read about it. You need to get out there and apply it! Only by doing so, will God's aspirations for us become manifest through our actions toward others.
Scripture: John 13:34-35; 1 Thessalonians 3:12; Hebrews 13;1; 1 John 3:14,16; Romans 12:10
Prayer: Holy Father, you've taught us how to be kind and loving towards one another. And you have shown us how easy it is to do. It's not about doing for us, but doing for others. Such a simple concept; yet such tremendous benefits! Amen
God bless you!
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