"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Saturday, December 6, 2014

Saturday Scripture Study with Bibi: The House That God Built

Hello, everyone! Thank you for joining me again for Saturday Scripture Study. During this particular study series we will be discussing the parables of Jesus. He used parables as part of his teaching lessons. These parables contain powerful messages that are just beneath the surface of the story; which in turn motivate us to dig deeper, and learn how to better walk with Christ, Our Lord.

We are now at Week Nine of our series. This week, we will discuss that in the redemption of our souls, there is only one foundation upon which faith can safely be built. You guessed it! That sturdy foundation is Jesus Christ. Many have put up their beliefs after family, turbulent emotion or ignorance, but only the Lord is a secure starting point take for saving faith.

Before we begin our study, let's pray together: God, you have made the heavens and the earth. You have revealed your beauty in creation and inspired the book that we are now about to study. Please help us now as we read together. Take us deeper into understanding more about you and your love for us. Amen.

Most of us are fortunate to have homes. You're probably aware that the entire structure of the house sits on a foundation of some sort. Whatever material that might be, if the foundation is compromised the whole house could be jeopardized at some future point in time. Similarly, the Lord teaches us the importance of building our spiritual home on a sound foundation.

What we know of as the church, is simply a collection of redeemed, or saved spirits. Every one of them becomes a member of the household of God, "having been built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone" (Ephesians 2:20).

That foundation is effective today; the redeemed are still built on a foundation of the prophet's disclosure about Jesus and his kingdom, and the apostle's use of the keys of that kingdom. In Christ, the entire building is fitted together to become a holy temple in the Lord.

As Paul shares with us, each builder must carefully work with morally correct materials (1 Corinthians 3:12), because blasphemous and idle chatter will only increase ungodliness. These kinds of messages can lead to disgraceful structures and spread like a cancer, even overturning the faith of some (2 Timothy 2:19).

In Matthew 7:24; Luke 6:47-49 (the parable of building a house), Jesus introduces us to two men who were constructing houses. One of them built on rock, and the other built his on sand. He compares them to those who both hear the same gospel, but react to it differently. One obeys it while the other does nothing. The obedient man builds his spiritual house on a solid foundation. Meanwhile, the disobedient man's house is sitting precariously on shifting sand, ready to topple at any time.

Matthew 20:1-16, the parable of the workers in the vineyard, tells us that those who arrive later in life to the work will not be penalized, if their faith is true. The Gentiles were entitled to salvation the same as the Jews. For that matter, the old are entitled to redemption, as are the young in Christ's house.

Finally, in the parable of the two sons (Matthew 21:28-32), the importance of ultimate obedience is amplified. Even incessant sinners can be saved if they will come to Jesus. It matters not how many times one has sinned, the grace of God is powerful enough to forgive all. However, those who promise devotion to God and then revert back to their sinful ways will not get off lightly!


1. According to Paul, what's the material that God's building is made of?
2. According to Ephesians 2, what is the foundation and the chief cornerstone of faith?
3. What things will lead to an unsound foundation and an insecure building?
4. Two mottoes adorn the foundation of God? What are they?
5. The parable given in Matthew 7 is preceded by a discussion on false religionists. What is the true test of discipleship given in verse 21?
6. Which of the two builders in the parable would this describe?
7. Did both hear? Did both face trial? What was the difference in them, then?
8. What was the landowner's agreement with the first group of hires? What did those at the last hour also receive?
9. Why could the landowner do this if he wanted? If the landowner was God, what does this teach us?
10. What was the attitude of the first group? What was the attitude of the Jews when they heard that Gentiles could also have God's grace?
11. Before Christ died, all God's human creation could basically be divided into two races. What were they? Which had always been God's people? Was the other still God's creatures?
12. Which is represented by the first son who refused and then relented and obeyed? Which is represented by the second son who agreed and then did not?
13. Which of the two did the will of his father? What is Jesus's lesson?

Until next time...

May your week be blessed!


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