"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Monday, November 20, 2017

Forgiveness..? Who me..?

"No child of God sins to that degree as to make himself incapable of forgiveness." - John Bunyan

"Forgiveness is easier for God to give than for man to receive."

Forgiveness cannot be accepted by every one. Why? If someone says she forgives me, I can only accept her word if I believe that I need her forgiveness — that is, if I'm conscious that I have offended her and done something wrong.

But, if I'm totally sure that I haven't hurt her, I refuse to put myself on the same level as someone who has been forgiven. I'd set aside her forgiveness, refuse to take the benefit of it, and look her in the eye claiming to have as much right to forgive her as she has to forgive me.

Now, taking this same line of thought, let's relocate this comparison from earth to heaven, and examine the forgiveness that comes from God. The only way we can receive forgiveness from God is by accepting it as sinners, knowing what we've done wrong, and have confessed to and hated it.

No one likes to admit they are guilty of sin. But, we are only kidding ourselves; believing an illusion. You're probably familiar with those fitness step counters that people wear to count the number of steps they have walked over the course of a day.

What if there were a sin counter that we could clip on in the morning, and then go on with our day. I guarantee that we would be absolutely stunned at the number of sins we commit in just one day, whether consciously or not! Too many have this mental attitude about sin: if we don't see it, we didn't do it.

There are a lot of people out there who go through their entire lives disregarding sin, or believing that it's someone else's problem and not theirs. This is what I like to call the "sleepwalk of sin." You just keep going on and on, and the sins keep piling up, until one day... And it will!

Forgiveness..? Who me..?

It's time to wake up! God is shaking you right now; trying to snap you out of your self-imposed "sin" stupor. He is also holding out his hand, offering you forgiveness. But he can't force you to take it, you have to do that on your own, my friends.

Scripture: Luke 23:34; Ephesians 2:8; Galatians 6:1; Psalm 130:3; Hebrews 10:17

Prayer: Dear Jesus. lead me to never judge people; instead may I accept others as they are, knowing together with our differences, we build up your Kingdom, amen

Have a blessed Monday!


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