"Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near" - Isaiah 55:6 (NLT)


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

God Has Vowed...

"An honest heart is open to the Word."  - A. W. Pink

We are the recipients of many vows. Some may be written or unwritten. And, if we stop and think about it for a moment, it becomes clear that the soundness of our society is really quite dependent on promises made and received with uprightness.

For example, the medical profession vows to treat us with the best of their skills, our police and fire department promise to do their best to protect us, even marriage vows are designed to enhance a couple's lives together, and offer security and strength to one another.

If vows were to suddenly become void and null, there would literally be chaos in every area of life. Vows help to establish who we are and demonstrate our integrity. By vows or promises we let others know where we stand, and where we are coming from. In turn, our vows are noted and accepted by them.

As with many things, there are risks involved in, both, receiving and making promises. Which is why we must practice caution whenever they are used. Of course, all of this pertains to vows made between you and I. It is quite a different thing altogether when we talk about the vows of God.

The life of faith is life of learning about the vows of God and having self-assurance in his faithfulness. He has promised to love us with an eternal love (Romans 8:35-39). We can depend on this. God has also vowed to forgive and cleanse our sins (Isaiah 1:18; 1 John 1:7).

Our Heavenly Father has vowed to save all who come to Jesus Christ (Matthew 11:28-30). He receives all comers no matter how forlorn, hopeless, educated, rich, poor, etc. We are all included in this invitation, as long as we come to Jesus Christ in faith.

Our Lord has promised rich blessings to those who trust him enough to be tithers (givers) (Malachi 3:10). Now, don't get me wrong. God isn't dependent on us for anything. But, some may ask, "If this is so, then why does He ask us to tithe?" Many people jump off the wagon and run when it comes to the subject of tithing.

It is just possible that God is trying to show us that the true way to enjoy what He has provided is to give it back to Him. After all, God does own everything, does He not? By keeping it all to ourselves, and using it in whatever way for our own purposes, we shortchange God.

If we can reach the point where we can trust God on a physical and economic level, then we can trust him more fully in the spiritual department. Or in simple terms, when we cooperate with God, he will pour out his blessings on us!

Moving along, our Father has vowed to reward those who pray (Matthew 6:6). This part of the Sermon on the Mount illustrates this truth beautifully (Matthew 6:5-13). We only rob ourselves of God's rich treasures when we fail to follow our Lord's instructions on how to pray properly.

And lastly, He has vowed to reward his faithful servants after we come into our eternal home (John 14:1-3; Revelation 22:12). Eternal life is the gift of God. Heaven isn't a reward; it is the gift of our Father to those who receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Once we enter heaven, our Lord will reward us for our faithful service here on earth.

It is important to see that the vows given by God are not anything like the weak, unpredictable promises we exchange with one another. God's promises are eternal and steadfast. His word is unbreakable and dependable. Best of all, we can trust in Him anytime and in any circumstance.

Scripture: Philippians 4:19; 2 Corinthians 1:20; Titus 1:2; 2 Peter 3:9; Romans 10:9

Prayer: Dear God our Father, open our eyes to see the vision that you have for each of us, amen.

God bless you,


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