"Since therefore all things are ordered in subserviency to the good of man, they are so ordered by Him that made both man and them." - Stephen Charnock
After watching the news on television or reading about it, I sometimes think to myself, "Is it possible that God somehow messed up when he created us?" Maybe it's just me being depressed or angered about all the bad worldly events, but one really does have to wonder.
To be fair we have to consider whether we can truly place the blame on God for this mayhem. Let's take a look at some things that may help make sense of this. First off. Hebrews 2:7-8 and Genesis 1:27-28 present us with clues about what we are meant to be.
God gave us the capability of dreaming and aspiring to climb higher. We were programmed with this God-given, built-in capacity to make dreams come true. To keep pushing the limits to see how far we can go. And that's exactly what we do.
However, the down-side of this is that sometimes we can become vain, self-serving, and even destructive. We start acting like gods and forgetting about God. It's important to remember that God made man in his own image, but a little less than divine (Hebrews 2:9). Plus, he gave us free will.
This is what we are. God made us right, but we went wrong. God made Adam perfect, but Adam fell, and every last one of us since then has fallen. As soon as we are old enough to make choices for ourselves we begin making wrong choices.
You have to wonder, "Why didn't God just make us so that we couldn't sin?" Well, if he had, we wouldn't be in the likeness of God with freedom, correct? We'd be like robots without any choice whatsoever. Instead, we were given freedom but became slaves, made kings and became servants. The image of God has been disfigured.
God put the works of his almighty hands in subjection to us, but we so easily forget that all things are in subjection to Him. We see examples of this everyday in politics, social injustice, treatment of our environment, and our allocation of natural resources; to point out a few that come to mind.
Who could possibly get us back on track, set us straight, deliver us, and show us how to be what we were meant to be? Romans 7:24-25 answers this question: Jesus, Christ Our Lord. In other words, we must have Christ in us (Colossians 1:27).
God created man to be someone, but man messed up. It's not a hopeless case, however. With Christ in us we can become the people we are meant to be. Man was made like God, but man is not God. Only Jesus Christ in us can make us who we are supposed to be in relationship to God.
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:15; Colossians 1:17; Romans 5:12; Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 1:16
Prayer: Dear God, I am deeply grateful that You have made me in Your image and likeness, and that You always hold me in Your loving embrace. Show me to how love You with all my heart, soul, and with my whole mind, amen
God bless you!
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