"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Salvation Doesn't Mean Complacency

"You will not be carried to Heaven lying at ease upon a feather bed."   - Samuel Rutherford

Is it possible to get too comfortable in our thinking of being saved? Once we have repented our sins, accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and are baptized, is that all there is to it? Do we just hit cruise control and wait for Him to come and take us with him?

If we re-read Matthew 7:21 (KJV) we'd see otherwise. As part of his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus serves a solemn warning about this type of complacent thinking. He wouldn't have done so if he didn't think it was something that needed to be addressed.

It's pretty safe to say that He knows us better than we know ourselves. You and I are susceptible to self-deception. Even so, there is no excuse for it. But you might be thinking, "Hey, I tell everyone that I believe in Jesus Christ, isn't that good enough?" Let's take a closer look.

Matthew 7:21 (KJV) tells us that, "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven." Here's the honest truth. There aren't any magic words we can say that guarantee our salvation. Although, "Lord, Lord," spoken in sincerity would be a great confession.

In 1 Corinthians 12:3 (KJV), Paul declares that one may profess either truth or untruth; and that one confesses only the truth. The Greek word translated confess means "to say the same thing" as God says.

Now, Paul is not denying that some profess the Lord in falsehood. He's simply affirming that one can't confess the Lord without the help of the Holy Spirit. Jesus asks, "Why call ye me Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" in Luke 6:46 (KJV).

Words are just not enough. As mentioned earlier, there's no magic in words. Additionally, there aren't any actions we can perform to assure our salvation, either. You can read about this in Matthew 7:22-23 (KJV).

Salvation doesn't depend on words or works but on "doing the will of my Father who is in heaven" (Matthew 7:21). Sure, there are proper words to speak and works to do once we accept Jesus, But apart from the acceptance of the will of God, there are no words or deeds that would suffice to make us right with God.

Scripture: Proverbs 1:32; Revelation 3:15-16; Proverbs 13:4; 2 Kings 19:28; Zephaniah 1:12

Prayer: Dear Jesus, open my eyes so that I may always recognize you in my life, amen.

God be with you always,


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