"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Monday, February 5, 2018

You Can't Juggle God Into Your Life!

"It is the heart which experiences God, not the reason."  - Blaise Pascal

People come up to me all the time asking for advice on how to juggle their faith and their private life. They tell me that they've tried different approaches, some a little more successfully than others, but in the end they find themselves back at square one.

Listen, I hear 'ya! Our private lives can be full and hectic.What with going to work, raising a family, attending school, maybe even taking care of elderly parents, etc., our schedules are jam-packed from morning to bedtime.

That's a lot of juggling! And more often than not, it usually comes crashing down at some point. I think most would agree that this is not the best way to have a good relationship with God, and attend to our daily responsibilities. So what is one to do..?

My suggestion is to leave the juggling to the professional jugglers! Rather, we should think more along the lines of blending, or integrating God into our lives. Thus, allowing God and ourselves to join together as one.

When you juggle two separate things, they remain exactly that; two separate things, always passing by one another, never meeting. But, if we allow the two to integrate and harmonize, we get a beautiful fusion which is: a God-filled life.

Begin by not trying so hard to make it happen. I see a lot of frustrated and stressed out folks because they feel that no matter what they do, it's just not working out. We discover that we're not very good jugglers, after all.

Understand that God is already within us all. He always has been; even before you or I were ever born. He tells us, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you..."  He's just been waiting for you to knock on the door, not kick it open (Matthew 7:7,8)!

Our lives are intertwined with God in His mercy and grace. When we pray to Him in sincerity and with humility, listen to His voice through the written Word, and apply His wisdom and compassion to our own relationships with others, we form a seamless bond with God.

God wants us to live life, not fret over it. The last thing He wants is to add stress to our lives (Psalm 55:22). Open the floodgates to your heart and let His living waters come rushing in; blending and mixing your your life; becoming as one with Him. And the best part? There's no juggling required!

Scripture: 1 Samuel 2:2; Isaiah 48:17; Proverbs 3:19; Psalm 145:9; Romans 8:28

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for Your unwavering love and your faithfulness. Your name and Your Word are glorified above everything, amen

Have a blessed Monday!


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