"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Time to Face the Facts

"The Christian who has stopped repenting has stopped growing."  - A. W. Pink

It's hard to stand there and have someone tell you things that might be helpful, especially when we don't want to hear about it.  After all, there's nothing wrong with me! We all like to think that we have it all together, it's only natural.

But it's this kind of thinking that can not only stifle our personal growth, it can be detrimental to our spiritual growth, as well. We must keep in mind that life is growth. And just because the garden grows well this year, doesn't guarantee it will do so next year.

Each year will either bring an abundance or a deficiency. God never proclaims, "well done good and faithful servant" until the final tally has been taken. He lets us know when our work here is done by calling us to our final rest.

That's why it is saddening to see a Christian arrive at a certain stage of goodness then simply stop. Our churches are filled with "pillars" who haven't missed a service in years. Yet, there they sit, at the very same stage of development as they were a decade ago.

They haven't broken a habit, nor do they give more or do any more than they always have. Their growth has plateaued, or flattened out. Going to church is now just like an involuntary movement, the sermon no more than a vague, background noise.

These are only a few of the many reasons why we cannot be content to rest on our past laurels when it comes to our spiritual growth. It doesn't matter where you came from, or what your past victories were, we must continue to grow.

On more than one occasion the ancient Jews were almost completely wiped out by heavenly justice for their sins. Yet, in spite of this, the lie grew and grew that because they were the seed of Abraham they would all be saved.

Not even the pleading of the prophets could convince them that this was false. It was easier, and took far less effort, for them to believe otherwise. They refused to face facts and take inventory of their spiritual growth. To them, all seemed fine. However, the reality was far different.

It is difficult to admit that all is not as well as it could be; especially when it comes to our spiritual growth and relationship with God. We need to be honest with ourselves, and be available to those things that can help us grow. Only in this way can we "grow up into him in all things."

Scripture: 2 Peter 3:18; Philippians 1:9; Hebrews 11:6; Ephesians 4:15; Proverbs 1:7

Prayer: Dear Lord, may I always continue to grow in the light of your eternal grace and glory, amen

Have a blessed day!


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